We've Both Been Waiting for This

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Proceed if you wish to. Have a lovely day and the song above fits this chapter pretty well I'd say. Also back to Y/N's point of view.

"Y/N...Y/N, wakey wakey. I got something for youuuuu!" I felt a tap on my forehead.

I groaned and rolled over lazily, too tired to care at the moment, "Too...early...one more hourrrr or days even."

Freddy sighed and nudged my ass to get me to move, "C'mon you party pooper, wake up, it's not even that early, it's 11 o'clock.

"Fine, but I was comfy, jerk." I rolled over again to face him and opened my eyes.

Freddy was standing a little less than a foot away with a tray full of breakfast food and of course, a big dorky smile on his face. The scent of eggs, toast, and bacon filled my nostrils, almost too good to be true, breakfast in bed.

What a cute, big ol' dork he is though. I love him so much.

Freddy walked over joyfully and sat the tray on my lap, complete with a cup of coffee. The cutie then gave me a good morning kiss, "Good morning Y/N! I made this for you! Well, tried to at least. I'd figured I'd make you something for breakfast.".

"Thanks babe, this looks really good! I really appreciate it." I picked up a fork and starting digging into the soft, fluffy, and cheesy eggs.

Damn, this is delicious! I didn't know he could make things other than pizza!

As I ate breakfast, we watched our favorite show, a true crime show featuring real pictures and chattered about whatever came to our minds. It's nice knowing that I can talk without being ignored or judged now, now matter how weird my thoughts or interests might be. Before I met him, I feel like I'd get too excited about things and not shut up. Then I'd accidentally push people away doing so. I've always felt a little different from everyone else and pretty lonely. I'm not going to pull an 'I'm not like all the other girls', everyone has their quirks and those are just mine. After all, I am human.

"Hey Y-Y/N, there's something I've been wanting to tell you. It's been on my mind for a few weeks," he paused, taking a deep breath, "IreallyreallylikeyouIdon'tknowhowtoexplainit,likeIwanttokissyoubutatthesametime-".

I set down my tray and cut him off, "Dude I can't understand you, can you talk a little slower? I consider myself a good listener usually but goddamn!".

Freddy looked off to the side and fumbled with his hands nervously, "Y/N, I love you but lately, I've felt different. I don't really know how to describe it. It's like I want to kiss you and hold you tightly but at the same time, I want to make you feel good. I-I think I want to have sex with you. If that's ok of course...".

I sat there in shock for a few seconds, but not in a bad way. I'm not that surprised because of how he's been acting for the past few days but at the same time, I am surprised. I do love him and I've felt the same way though.

"Freddy, I've felt the same way too... Even though it's a little weird since we're not the same. Do you even have a...y'know...?" I looked off to the side, embarrassed that I'm even asking a question like that.

"Cupcake, you know how I was doing maintenance on myself the other day? I added a, let's just say, an upgrade." A hissing sound came from his nether region as a small door opened.

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