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The lights I had set up in the breaker room flickered weakly as I woke up. I looked over to my right to see Freddy lying next to me, powered down still. I can't believe that happened last night. Of course I enjoyed it but I'm just...nervous now I guess. I just don't want things to be too different between us. I can't imagine how he feels, since I assume that's really not the norm for an animatronic. As quietly as I could, I slid out of bed, careful to not make too many vibrations. Over the months, I learned that Freddy and the others are very sensitive to movement so I've figured out a few ways to combat that. I tiptoed out of the room and decided to start my day as usual by making myself a nice cup of coffee and scroll through my phone, checking notifications, emails, and other things before watching a show on my own for once.

Not before too long, F.Foxy sauntered up, looking as mischievous as ever, "So, sounds like someone had some fun with a certain someone yesterday night, hm?".

I took a sip of my coffee, feeling my face turn red hot but I tried to keep cool, "W-What are you talking about? Your programming is either corrupt or you're just hearing things.".

"Sureeee, last time I checked, nothing is wrong with me. My ears work perfectly, you're just loud. Oh, here he comes now, I'll just leave you two alone now. See ya, you lovebirds!" He snickered as he walked off into the darkness again.

I sighed, this is so embarrassing, apparently everyone knows now I'm guessing... Now I'm scared that someone more judgmental, not naming any names -cough cough- C.B. -cough- will say something about that. I don't think I can mentally take it if someone calls me out again, I'll just die of embarrassment.

"Good morning, my love! How are you doing?" Freddy strolled in along with Bon-Bon, looking giddy.

"Tired but I'm doing ok, I really shouldn't sleep in more though. Bon-Bon, I'm curious, you really haven't said that much. What do you think of us or did I do something? I've heard you two are best friends so sometimes I feel bad, kinda felt like I stole him away from you!" I laughed nervously, not really looking either of them in the eye, still a little embarrassed about yesterday.

Bon-Bon thought for a moment, "I'm not mad or anything. Anyways, it's not like you stole him or anything either, you just kinda showed up and merged with the group in your own way. You're both weird so I'm not surprised that you like each other. Secondly, it does get annoying being with someone 24/7 so it's a nice change. I mean, I'm constantly comforting Mr. Angrypants here and that's been better since you've been here. Third, he really needed friends besides me too.".

I laughed in response, surprised that he complained so much about him.

Freddy looked shocked and turned to Bon-Bon, "W-What! I swear I'm not that angry! Bon-Bon!".

He shrugged, "I can't help it, she asked, and I responded truthfully.".

Freddy sighed, "I guess you are right though...".

Ballora came over, looking surprised, "Someone is in the building! I don't know who yet but they're coming in!".

I looked over to Freddy, "Does this happen often or...?".

"Hey! You shouldn't be here! Get away from them!" A bright flashlight shone onto my face, blinding me.

When I got used to the bright light, the first thing that I saw was a man who seemed to be about 5'11, brown hair, and a purple uniform with a name tag that read "Dave".

"Oh... it's you." Freddy growled.

"Why? They didn't do anything!" I stood my ground.

Dave shone the flashlight among the animatronics, stopping it on Freddy lastly, "They're dangerous...All of them, especially Funtime Freddy. You have no idea what they're for! What I created them to do. If you don't leave, I'll make you leave. Or I'll make you suffer the consequences.".

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