I Think She's Kinda Cute...

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I let out a sigh when she left to use the bathroom. That had to have been one of the most stressful moments of my life! She was so close to me...On her own too! I didn't even know that she could be so..., what's the word, fascinating maybe? She knows so much and can be so cute, kind, and just attractive, like catnip almost...

"Hey Freddy!" Bon Bon greeted as he hopped in with Funtime Foxy, "So, how did it go for you two?".

"It seemed to have gone exceptionally, she seemed all giddy when she was walking away, how cute haha!" Foxy chimed in.

"Uh umm", I panicked, I don't have any experience with this kind of stuff! "I think it went well, she talks a lot about things she's passionate about!".

"Oh?", Foxy smirked, "What did you talk about? How much you love her and want to smooch her and protect her?" He acted out a hugging and kissing motion.

"N-No!! Stop it!! I didn't talk about that! We just kind of talked about true crime and murder..." My voice glitched, I hate it when it does that!

"Yup, sounds like you, no wonder why you like her." Bon Bon hopped up on my arm.

"I'm surprised you're sparing this one, she's kind of has an attitude and remember that time you killed like a couple adults and a few kids." Foxy leaned against a wall while filing his nails.

I looked away, feeling my face heat up, "Well, of course I like her, she can be nice, she's interesting, and adorable. I do remember killing all those humans but it's not like I wanted to do it all those times. Sure, I find murder interesting and fun but it doesn't mean I want to murder y/n. She would be an interesting catch though...".

"Tell you what, I have an idea, what if we all played hide and seek. You'll be the seeker and we'll intentionally stay out of the way. When you find her, you can either reveal your dark secret that you love her. On the other hand, you could just kill her." Foxy shrugged.

"S-sounds great! I'm not going to kill her though, I've already made my choice!" I stood up and pointed at Foxy.

After that, Circus Baby walked in. What a party pooper.

"While I do agree that she can be ok, I'd almost you'd rather kill her. It's trouble having a human around. I digress though, she's an OK human." She sighed.

"It's decided! Freddy is going to ask Y/N out and we're not going to murder her!" Bon Bon placed his hands on his hips.

"This is going to be so exciting!" I raised my arms in excitement.

As I walked out to find Y/N, Foxy slapped my back, "Good luck out there champ, I hope everything goes well for you both."

I finally found her after searching the building in the breaker room. She was making a ton of noise though. I peaked around the corner and there she was, cleaning things up and bringing things down from that rickety shelf and forming a bed for herself in a corner.

She was bopping her head and singing loudly to a song with headphones on, loudly, "CUT CUT CUT ME UP AND FUCK FUCK FUCK ME UP!".

Woah! She's got a voice! I didn't know she sang! Those are some vulgar lyrics though, but who cares?
I sat there and just watched her work for a good five minutes, it's cute seeing her being energetic, singing, and skipping around everywhere. I can't help it! Sadly, she noticed me after a few minutes, took off her headphones, and then turned a bright shade of red.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I literally couldn't hear anything! Do you need something?" She turned away from me, probably to hide her red, yet beautiful face.

"Yes actually," I stepped into the room, blocking the door accidentally, "All of us are planning on playing hide and seek, wanna play a few rounds?".

She turned back around after she calmed down and shrugged, "Uhhh, sure, I'm not doing anything. I'm sure I'll beat you all though, you underestimate me!" She confidently said.

I laughed a little, "Are you so sure about that? I'm a pretty good seeker! I bet I'll find you in the first five minutes!".

"Nahhhh, impossible." She waved.

"Follow me then, we'll see about that." I extended a hand to her, hoping she'll take it.

She grabbed my hand and I almost felt the confidence just wafting off of her. Maybe she will be hard to find.

Before we left, she put her headphones back on and grabbed her phone and started listening to music again as we walked. It was so loud that I could hear every lyric walking next to her. More importantly though, we're holding hands! Ahhhh! I'm so happy right now! She's sooooo cute! I wish I could just hug and cuddle her right now! I love her so much!

Before we got to the room where everyone was, she found a blowtorch on the ground for some reason?!

"LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR, LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR, LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOORRRRRRR!" She turned the blow torch on and off to the beat to whatever she was listening too.
Still vulgar lyrics but adorbs!

"Y-You're so goofy Y/N!" I laughed.

There was no answer.

"...Can you hear me?" I asked.

There was still no answer, I guess her music is just that loud.

"Y-Y/N, I don't know if I fully understand this yet, but I think...I love you Y/N!" I said sheepishly, knowing she couldn't hear me.

She took off one earphone and lifted one eyebrow, "You say something? Sorry about that.".

"N-No! I didn't. Must've been your imagination y/n!" I looked away.

Soon enough, she went back to what she was doing and we made it back to everyone else in a couple of minutes. That was close, I'm glad she didn't hear me say that. I hope Foxy is right and hide and seek turns out well. I want Y/N to know but I don't know how she'll react. I'm actually scared of something for once...

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