The World Revolving

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Author's Note: Feel free to skip this but, thanks for reading! It's been forever since I've wrote anything, and I apologize. I've been so busy with keeping up with my job, housework, and life in general. On the bright side, things have been great also! In the time that I was gone, I've graduated, got an OK job for now, and I'm in a good relationship. I even moved out from my toxic mom! I have a good feeling that things will get better and also, I will have more time to write. Thanks for reading and now back to your unscheduled program.

The first thing I smelled when I woke up was the stale air I fell asleep in. Despite it being 10:28a.m when I groggily checked my phone, the room was still as dark as night besides the wires and lightbulbs that were well past their time. The blankets and plushies shifted as I groaned and rolled over to face the wall, Oh boy, what does today have in store for me?

An overly loud voice boomed from the darkness, presumably from my new 'friend'/roommate, "GOOOOOODMORNING Y/N! How was your first night in your new home? You're lucky that me and my friends decided to keep you for a bit!".

I simply rolled over again to see the figure in the dark, gotta know where the danger is, "Ah, well the roomservice could have been a bit better. Everything is a bit dusty but overall, 5/10. Also, what do you mean by new home? I'm just here for a bit.''

"You could say that we're keeping you here, permanently. I could have killed you easily you know? I could have easily broken a pipe and cut off your oxygen, froze you to death, and there's much worse I could have done too. You may be useful too." the sound of metal clanking from Freddy got closer.

Rolling over onto my back and dismissively started scrolling on my phone, "Good luck bud.'' In reality, my thoughts were racing with questions and concerns. Ah shit am I really trapped? I'll just leave, I'm sure that hunk of metal can't outrun me. There's more animatronics?! What would they need me for?!

Sooner than later, it sounded like Freddy was right below my perch, as if he was stalking me like I was some prey or waiting for me to eventually come down. After a few hours of me scrolling through my phone and deciding on what to do, the feeling of hunger and having to pee crept in. Freddy was still guarding me of course for some dumb reason.

I hesitated, "...What do you even need me for? I just stumbled in here. If you actually plan on keeping me here anyways, I'm sure I'll find a way.''.

"Yooou'll see y/n!" stretching his words. He didn't sound angry, he just sounded sinister, as if whatever he had in store was inescapable.

''Hmm ok'' sounding unamused while I opened a dry pack of ramen and started eating it. The dryness reminded me of gravel but it's better than going hungry.

Occasionally, I'd flick a dry piece of noodle at Freddy and he'd get pissed, ''Hey! Stop that!", his voice glitched angerly.

"Maybe if you let me go, I'll stop" I answered defiantly.

"Not gonna happen girly'' Freddy retorted in the same tone.

"Can I go to the bathroom at least or do I have to piss on the floor?", I whined.

"If you want to say hello to my friends and I, sure" he shrugged.

"Jerkwad", a piece of noodle hit him square in the face, "You'll see, I'll get out of here in one piece".

Freddy growled in a low tone, "You'll see too..." and walked off into the darkness.

As the day decreased and the need for the bathroom increases. I'm getting more impatient and angry by the second, just waiting for someone to let their guard down. I spent the entire day typing away, reading, and scrolling, trying to forget about my needs and thoughts. By nearly midnight, everything was silent, including the small or large clanks that could sometimes be heard from the other rooms. I slinked down the makeshift ladder without a sound and opened the door.

"G-Going somewhere Y/N?!" His voice boomed.

Ah shit, can I just piss in peace? I thought he was asleep! I waited hours!

"Just the bathroom" I answer nervously and sprint off, loud footsteps following.

It seemed as if he was getting closer and closer still, even though I dodged and weaved between things in the room. As if things couldn't get worse, another set of footsteps were gaining on me. Whatever it was, it was screeching while metal clicked across the floor. Looking back, all I could see is pitch black, with four red eyes glaring back. I slipped into a vent on the ground and put the grate on as if my life depended on it( it did in fact ).

"Suckers, I told you, you can't catch me." I panted.

A new, feminine voice answered, "Don't worry, in due time, you will mess up and I will be there...".

A icy chill ran down my back as those words echoed throughout my skull. After that, I made my was through the building with little to no problems. Seeing the bathroom after all of that filled me with hope. Sure, it was smelly and cramped but I'm glad that I'm alive. As I was walking back to "home" something caught my eye. A metal baseball bat someone may have left behind reflected off the light from my phone.

A new weapon, time to see if build a bear likes metal bats if he comes close!    

I swung it around a couple times, the bat wizzed through the air each time I swung it. I kept it close as I kept walking. By the time I made it back to my room, my arms were a little worn out from practicing. When scanning the room, nothing could be seen, even with my phone's flashlight. Sighing in relief, I shut the door behind me. As soon as the door clicked shut, my feet were no longer on the ground.

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