I Found You

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Author's Note!
I don't know why, but for some reason, wattpad keeps republishing my first chapter? I'm truly sorry about that and I don't know how to fix it? I'm not changing anything! So if you keep skimming through to find differences, I apologize but I haven't done anything.
Also, I'm almost at 500 reads! Omg this is so exciting!! Thanks for reading. Anyways, THIS CHAPTER IS BACK IN Y/N'S PERSPECTIVE!

As we both arrived to the main room where everyone is, I took off my headphones so I can actually pay attention this time. I think Freddy was trying to say something to me earlier anyways...

"Hey Y/N! Ready to play? We've all decided that Freddy will be the seeker since he's pretty good at it." Ballora spoke gracefully.

"Ready as I'll ever be, I really don't think anyone will be able to find me. I can squeeze into tight places so, sorry Freddy, I think you're toast since you won't be able to fit." I smirked.

"Are you calling me fat? I'm soooo offended!" Freddy said dramatically.

I laughed and then Foxy cut in, "Aw, look at those two, holding hands like some couple~.".

I let go instantly, feeling embarrassed. Shittttt, I forgot I was doing that. I looked over at Freddy to see his reaction to this, his face seemed a little red but mostly, he just had a shit-eating grin. Almost like, Hah! I got you to hold hands with me! I'm not going to lie thought, it was kind of nice.

"Ok! Let's get this started! The sooner it starts, the quicker it ends!" Circus Baby said annoyed while she put a hand on the temple of her forehead.

"Ok, everyone, go hide! I'll start counting to a minute, 1...2...3-." Everyone, including Bon Bon, rushed off to hide while he counted.

I made my getaway soon after. After a few seconds of climbing through vents and up and over things, I found my perfect hiding place. There was an old cabinet surrounded by stuff. I climbed into it and then grabbed some things where I could reach to cover the door slightly to make it more convincing. To make me my long stay more comfortable, I took out my phone and started scrolling through Tik Tok and other apps to pass the time.

———An Hour Passed By———

I was right, he is going to have a hard time finding me. I smirked, knowing that I was right. It's getting cramped in here though.... About ten minutes later, I heard loud footsteps coming closer and closer, to prepare, I put my phone away and held and cabinet door closed, making sure to not make any sounds or vibrations that would set him off. Abruptly, inhuman strength tried to open the cabinet door, I kept it shut though. Uh-oh, he found me. At the very least, I gotta give Freddy a hard time for finding me. I won't give up that easily!

As I peaked through one of the many holes in the door, I saw someone or something I didn't expect. It kind of looked like Freddy but, completely silver and made out of wires. It wasn't just doing this out of curiosity though, it knew I was there and I don't think it looks too friendly! It kept trying to open the door but I kept fighting to keep it shut. My strength won't last forever though but I think that thing's does! My arms grew more tired by the second. Am I actually going to die!? I don't want to die! The strength in my arms were almost sapped completely and shaking.

In desperation, I shouted with all my heart, hoping Freddy would hear me, "Freddy! Please help me! I don't know how much longer I can hold him!".

The thing roared and tried to open the door with a burst of strength. Loud clangs in the distance got closer. My hands were so close to slipping but I kept holding on like my life depended on it, well, it did!

Freddy's voice boomed, and boy, he sounded pissed, "Yenndo, what the FUCK do you think you're doing?!"

Pure malice dripped off his words as he grabbed onto Yenndo and threw him away from the cabinet. In one last desperate attempt, Yenndo ripped the cabinet door off its hinges as he was dragged away and cut my cheek with the door. I watched in horror as they both fought each other. Freddy would punch Yenndo in the face with a loud crack, and in turn, Yenndo slammed Freddy onto the ground. Freddy proceeded to overpower the raging animatronic and slammed him into a nearby wall.

Yenndo growled, "What do you think you're doing?! Letting a human in here and on top of that, protecting it for fuck's sake!".

"She lives here you dickwad! She will continue to do so! Don't you dare hurt her!" Freddy shook Yenndo violently as his eyes flared red like fire angrily.

I've never seen him this angry, he's so strong but super scary.

After one final punch to the face, Freddy grabbed Yenndo's head and completely tore it off, threw it to the ground, and stomped on it. Bits of wire and springs flew across the room and he continued to destroy what was Yenndo in a fit of rage.

"Freddy...? Freddy! I'm ok, please don't worry about me!" I yelled.

He stopped for a moment to calm down and sighed, "No you're not, look at yourself, you're bleeding! He hurt you! He cut your beautiful face!"

I touched my cheek and when I looked back at my hand, my fingers were stained with blood, "You think..., I'm beautiful?".

He got down on his hands and knees to pick up some cloth and tore it to an appropriate size. Then, he moved closer to me, his head was practically inside the cabinet with me and wiped away the blood, "Of course I think you're beautiful Y/N, I don't think you actually know how much I care about you, I don't really know how to describe my feelings...".

I turned away slightly as I blushed, "Thank you, Freddy. I know I don't show it but I do care about you too...".

He grabbed my chin lightly and made me look at him, "Y/N..., I think I'm in love with you. For the past few weeks, I haven't been able to not stop thinking about you. You're so interesting, beautiful, and cute. You've really captured my animatronic heart...I don't even know if this is real or not, is it even ok for me, an animatronic, to love you and want to protect you?".

My eyes watered, I'm not crying ok?!, "Freddy, it's ok for you to love me. I think you're sweet, nobody has really been as nice to me in my lifetime as much as you.".

A few moments passed by as if time had stopped, my heart was beating out of my chest as we just stared at each other for a few seconds. Slowly, Freddy leaned in close enough that our noses were touching. For a moment, his baby blue eyes glittered with hope as he closed his eyes and kissed me. I know that he is metal but strangely, he was warm and everything was ok for that moment. I wasn't worried about yesterday or tomorrow. I wasn't scared of being hurt or abandoned. I closed my eyes and leaned in a little more. I felt all warm and fuzzy and I felt like I was seeing stars or dancing on the air like a leaf. After what felt like forever, we broke apart and both opened our eyes.

I placed a hand on his cheek lovingly and my heart was beating in my throat seemed like but, gained the confidence and spoke, "Freddy, I think I'm in love with you too. If you want, I'll be your girlfriend".

His ears wiggled excitedly and there were sparkles in his eyes, "I'd love that Y/N! Thank you so much!".

After staring at each other and smiling, it was my turn, I leaned into him and gave him a soft kiss on his mouth.

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