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Ever since you arrived at this weird place, you've been sneezing like crazy seems like. However, ever since you cleaned up your space a bit, you've been sneezing just a little less. A smidge less possibly. The curtains made a nice little bed or rather a nest since it was made with a bunch of other junk like plushies, random fabric, and other materials. Occasionally, since cleaning was boring yet needed, you'd blast some of your favorite music since surprisingly, there was an outlet up there for your battery-less laptop. Now for the decorations! Jumping down from your platform, the way you fell reminded of that silly coyote from that cartoon. Ouch, that was kinda rough. Well, lets see, nothing but wires, some bars, and oh!- What is that thing? Pushing some wires back, you saw what an animatronic bear. It's weird that it's hidden but ok. Before leaving the breaker room, you decided to glance back at it one last time. Did it move? Nahh, I'm probably just hungry and tired. Before opening the door, you yawned, stretched a little, and thought out loud, "Food, food, food... I wonder if there's a kitchen in here. Some lights for my bed would be cool too.". You stepped outside the door to start wandering the place a little more since your 'home' was set up. Eventually, you did find a kitchen and surprisingly, the pantry was stocked with food, water, and cooking utensils. However, most of the food was little bags of chips, candy, boxed meals, and a stupid amount of instant pizza dough and cake mix. Really? What am I gonna do with this? I'm not picky but I don't wanna live off of just this. Opening one of the many fridge doors, you gasp, "Have I found the Holy Grail?!". The fridges were running and they had stuff like soda, meats, and best of all, cheese. One of your favorite foods was cheese. You hunted down a bag and put some cheese, peperoni, and a couple bags of those chips for a pretty good dinner for the night. You threw a couple bottles of water and soda in the bag too so you'd be settled for the night at least. Throwing the bag over your shoulder, you stepped into the other room. At the corner of your eye, something skittered behind some boxes however, it looked bigger than a rat. What is that? There's no way that thing is a rodent, it had to be bigger than a cat at the very least! Only hearing the soft steps of your feet walking through the dark room wasn't that comforting since you knew that something was watching you. The silence of the room was suffocating. By the second, your fight or flight sense was boiling more and more. Moving through the vents was even more unnerving now since you were closer to the ground. Tiptoeing through the large room to get back to the breaker room seemed different this time. You didn't want to believe it but there was music. Fear struck your heart like lightning and your body was shouting, "RUN, Y/N RUN!''. You tried to pick up your feet, but it felt like they were glued to the floor. The sound was getting closer and closer, yet you were frozen with fear but at the same time, interested in what it was. I'll have to find out what it is later, surely it's not another person, they would have just caught me and thrown me out by now probably. If it's not human, that could still be a problem. Picking up your feet, you ran like the wind, hoping to get as far away from whatever it is. No matter how fast you ran, the sounds of music and strange clinking noises got closer to you. The door handle to the breaker room felt welcoming as you threw door open and slammed it shut as soon as possible. A few milliseconds later, a bang could be heard against the door. Sitting against the door with the bag of food in your lap with your head in your hands, you just tried to comprehend what exactly that was while catching your breath. "What was that thing? There's no way that's a person! When it's morning, I'm OUT." you said shakily and wide eyed. One thing after another, in the shadows of the flickering wires, the animatronic bear you saw earlier was moving towards you, jaws open and you were pretty sure it didn't have good intentions. "Oh for fuck's sake man, can't a girl eat and not be traumatized for a day!'' you bolted towards your makeshift ladder that really wasn't a ladder. Peering over the edge of your 'home', you stared at the bear, "Well that didn't work out too well for you buddy huh? I'm quicker than you think if you even have a brain and you can't reach me up here. If you excuse me, I'm going to eat this meat and cheese I nearly died for, toodles!''. 

"Well, that isn't very nice to say to a new friend.'' the bear said with a loud voice.

Being pretty much pissed and scared you decided to fight it pretty much, ''The fuck? I am not your friend bucko, not one bit. I've had a rough life and the last thing I want is some psychopath being my friend. If you still think that I want to be around you I will personally come down there and kick your ass. If you even look in my direction -I swear-, I will destroy you!".

"Sheesh, you're such an angry little thing. Like a chihuahua or something!'' he laughed ''What's your name anyways?''

"Like I'm telling you'', you set the bag of food next to you.

"Mine is Funtime Freddy, c'mon, don't be shy" he looks up at you to see you taking a bite out of a block of cheese, staring right back at you like an angry cat. "I'm going to call you Cheese Overlord, seems like you're very protective over it!".

"Whatever dude" you took some pepperoni out of your bag and put it on a slice of cheese, "My name is Y/N actually.''.

"Hm, and so it speaks, pretty name though.'' looking up at you as if you were some strange specimen.

You huffed a little, "Thanks I guess... I'm going to sleep, don't bother me.'' trying to be intimidating as possible.

"Nighty night, y/n...'' he walked off back into the darkness, leaving you and your grouchiness in the dark. 

After finishing the rest of your food, you drifted off into a not so peaceful sleep after watching some videos about animals in an attempt to calm yourself down. 

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