Good Morning...?

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I woke up peacefully surprisingly, regarding the last few days at least.
I don't wanna wake up, I'm so cozy and warm...
I felt the surface I was laying on move and my eyes shot open, faster than a bullet.

"It's ok! Relax sleepyhead." Freddy cooed.

I tried to move but I was swaddled like a literal baby, "When did you even do this! Lemme go!".

"But you look sooooo cute though Y/N" he squeezed me tightly and wiped some drool off of my face.

I sighed heavily, "Fine, only because I'm still sleepy. I'll give you 20 minutes to hold me still, then I'm gone".

He shrugged and hugged me, "Ok cutie".

What the fuck did he just say about me? I turned away as much as I could to hide my strawberry-red face.

"Awwww" his voice glitched, "Did you get embarrassed? Sooooo cuteeee!" He nuzzled my face and neck.

"Stopppp! I barely know you! It's just hot in here too!" I struggled violently to no avail.

"I can't help it, I find you adorable. You seem different too, I haven't met any human that doesn't show fear around me. I don't know exactly what it is, but I don't particularly want to hurt you. More or less, I'd rather hold you and spend time with you rather than spending time ending your life, which would also be fun." He chuckled maniacally.

I'm not going to lie, that last part creeped me out. If I stay on his good side, I doubt that'll happen...

My stomach growled furiously, "I guess it's been a while since I ate, can I have some food?"

Freddy thought for a moment, "Sure but I'll go with you, it make sure there will be no incidents" He stood up and unwrapped me from my comfy prison.

"What do you mean by incidents?" I brushed some dirt off.

"W-Well," he glitched, "The others don't particularly approve of you being here or know you. Although..."

Bon Bon spoke up to Freddy, "Oh shush, don't think about hurting her. Maybe you can convince the others that she's ok."

"That's a great idea! Then maybe the others won't be so harsh!" He grabbed my hand and began leading me out the door.

I hope this works, they seemed to not be too happy that I was here, and being snappy too. I guess I'll try to be nice. I'm still going to follow my plan though....
I gulped and hoped for the best as I was lead out into the dark rooms that awaited.

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