Mal and the Reindeer (Part 3)

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After little Mal had ridden the reindeer around the entire yard pretty much, it got a little too cold outside for Evie 1's liking concerning little Mal so she suggested they go back inside and warm up. "Come on Mal let's go play dragons again!" Little Mal said to the older version of herself as she had enjoyed playing the first time with her and wanted to do it again.

"Ok kid, let's go!" Mal said to the toddler as she let her grab her hand and lead her back into her bedroom.

The two Evie's couldn't help but laugh at the adorable sight of both Mal's hitting it off so well. "I know I said this already, but they are seriously just so cute!" Evie 1 said as she leaned against the island starting another conversation with her lookalike.

"They really are though." Evie 2 agreed as she rested her elbows on a nearby counter bringing her hands up to her face. And as Evie 2 was in that position, Evie 1's gaze went down to her left hand where she saw a ring on her finger.

"Are you married too?" She couldn't help but ask.

Evie 2, after hearing the question looked down to her hand as well knowing that Evie 1 had seen it. "Oh, I'm actually engaged. I'm supposed to get married next week."

"Wow! That's great, congratulations. Ben's an amazing guy, am I right?" Evie 1 asked her assuming that Evie 2 was also with Ben as that was who she was with.

Evie 2 furrowed her brow slightly out of confusion. "Ben? What about him?"

"Isn't he the guy you're marrying?" Evie 2 burst out laughing at that question. The thought of her and Ben together was almost impossible for her to think about.

"Ok now that is funny!" Evie 2 said through her laughter before looking back at Evie 1 who had on a straight face. "Oh, you're serious."

"Yes. Yes, I am. So I take it you're not marrying Ben."

"No! Heck no! I'm marrying Henry." Evie 2 said assuming that Evie 1 would know who that was.


"Yeah, you know. Hans' son?'

"Oh! That guy. You're marrying him? Of all people, you chose him?"

"Yeah we're each other's true love. Why? Do you not like him?" Evie 2 was confused, she couldn't imagine herself being with anyone besides Henry.

"I don't know, he was always kind of creepy. He sometimes would try to flirt with me even when he knew I wasn't interested." Evie 1 informed her lookalike.

"Really? Hm that's different, my Henry was never like that." Evie 2 replied.

"Well this is a parallel universe to you so some things are bound to be different opposed to yours." Evie 1 reminded her. "Anyways off of that subject, when's the wedding?"

Evie 2 couldn't help but smile at that question. She was looking forward to the day where she and her true love would stand together and say 'I do.' "Christmas Day. That is assuming I can find a flower girl before then."

"Oh you haven't found a flower girl yet?" Evie 1 asked herself as she got some glasses of water.

"No not yet, I'm getting pretty close to just picking some random girl from Walmart." Evie 2 joked causing her and Evie 1 to share a laugh.

"Oh but the girls at Target are so much better." Evie 1 joked along with her as they continued to laugh. "Ok but seriously, why don't you just use Mal?"

"She's my maid of honor, and plus she's a little old for that role."

"No, I mean my Mal. You can use her if you can't find anybody else, I bet she'd love that too."

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