Babysitting Disaster (Part 6)

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Mal felt bad for Evie who was just sitting on the ground while crying into her hands, she rested her hand on her friend's shoulder trying to somehow calm her down. "It's ok E, we're going to find those kids I promise." She told her.

Evie lifted her head up to face Mal as she stopped crying and wiped the tears off her cheeks. "We have to find them, I don't know what I'll tell Evie 3 if she comes back to pick up her kids and we're not there but instead we're in her universe and two of her children have been kidnapped." She spoke as she slowly stood back up to her feet.

"Well then where do we start looking?" Celia asked her.

Evie took a look at all her surroundings for any sign of Dizzy or cotton candy, just anything really. But she found nothing, there were no signs of any kind anywhere around her and she didn't know where she could even begin to start looking for the two kids. "That's it, I'm a failure. I failed to do my job correctly and now Evie 3 is never going to trust me to babysit her kids again. She'll probably tell all the other Evie's how horrible I am and I'll never be asked to babysit any of their kids again either."

"Evie come on that's not true. We're going to fix this, we just need to find a way to be able to track them down." Mal tried encouraging Evie as she began thinking of a way to do that.

"Hey! I think I know what!" Celia suddenly shouted making Mal and Evie immediately turn their attention over to her.

"What?" Mal asked her.

"Mom tracks our phones and those two guys have Dizzy's phone, so maybe if we found a way to get mom's phone we can get their location and find them!"

"Yes! That's perfect!" Mal also shouted as that sounded like the perfect plan to be able to find the two kids.

"Yeah except for one thing, how the heck are we supposed to get Evie 3's phone? I am supposed to be babysitting her children back in my universe if she sees me it's all over and I'm in so much trouble." Evie said to them.

"Yeah but she doesn't know I'm also babysitting." Mal informed her. "So if she caught me she wouldn't know, she'd just assume you're still babysitting back in our universe and you were too busy to keep track of me."

Evie thought about for a few seconds before realizing that Mal just might be right. Evie 3 didn't know that Mal was babysitting, not that she was supposed to because Mal shouldn't even have been babysitting in the beginning. "Ok well we still have a problem, we don't know where they are they didn't exactly tell me where they going. They didn't tell any of you did they?" All of the kids shook their heads as Evie sighed in defeat. "Well there goes that idea."

"Not yet." Mal suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean? If we don't even know where the parents are, how is the plan going to work now?"

"We can call her and figure out where they are, its brilliant! Feel free to start thanking me."

"Yeah I think it'll be a little suspicious if their babysitter calls them up and is all like hi there, where are you having your date?" Evie told her.

"And that's why we get one of the kids and have them do it for us." Mal replied with a growing smirk slowly making its way onto her face.

"What do you mean?"

"We use one of the kids as an excuse to have called and then they can be like I miss you mommy where are you and daddy? Isn't it brilliant?" Mal suggested.

"That might work, so which of the kids are we using then?" Evie asked.

Mal looked over at the kids who were still with them. "Its gonna have to be one of the twins."

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