Pranks and Mischief

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Mal let out a sigh as she rested her arms behind the back of her head while laying down on the couch in the living room of the house. All was peaceful and quiet in that house, the boys were outside and doing some yard work that Evie had requested while she sat in her workroom designing. Mal had plans to go out on a date with Carlos that evening as he had been wanting to spend time with her at the arcade. And so until then, she was just relaxing and chilling while she had The Office playing in the background.

That lasted for about 20 minutes before all the boys came running in from outside after finishing up the yard work. "Hey Mal how do you feel about leaving in about an hour?" Carlos asked as he leaned his front over the edge of the couch looking down at her.

"That sounds good." She told him as she brought her arm to rest on her forehead.

"Alright cool, I'm gonna go freshen up." He replied to her before running upstairs.

Mal nodded her head before sitting up and watching the rest of The Office. She could hardly wait to hang out with her boyfriend as they had been meaning to hang out for the past couple weeks but something had always seemed to come up. Just as she was about to turn on another episode of her show she suddenly heard a knock sound on the door.

"Evie! Someone's at the door!" She called out as Evie came out from her workroom with a sigh.

"You're literally in the living room, you really couldn't get up and answer it yourself?" Evie came into the room and asked her as she approached the door. She turned the knob and smiled at the sight of Evie 1 and little Mal standing on the other side. "Hey you guys! What brings you here?"

"I'm really sorry if this is bad timing, but I'm really desperate for a babysitter right now. Me and Ben really need a date night but everyone I know seems to be busy, so do you mind babysitting Mal for me?" Evie 1 asked her.

"Of course I can babysit, I don't mind at all!" Evie 2 informed her as let little Mal into the house.

"Great! Thank you so much! I don't know for sure when we'll be back but I'll come here and get her as soon as I can."

"Oh don't worry about it I'll watch her as long as you need. You deserve a break so stay out as long as you need." Evie 2 encouraged her.

"Awesome! Again thank you so much this means a lot, she's got everything she needs right in her bag, and if there's an emergency you have my number." Evie 1 told her before she bent down to the little girl. "Alright sweetie, you have fun with Evie and big Mal and I'll be back in just a little bit. Mommy loves you!"

"Bye bye mommy!" Little Mal called out to her mom before she left as Evie then closed the door back.

"Alright Mal, what would you like to do?" Evie asked the little girl as she walked further into the house with her.

"Where's Mal?" She asked looking up at Evie as she wanted to hang out with the older Mal since she was always fun to play with.

"She's right over there on the couch. Mal turn off The Office right now that is not an appropriate show for a 4 year old." Evie called over to the teen who groaned before turning the tv off.

"Hi Mal!" Little Mal cried out happily as she got up on the couch and sat right next to the older version of herself.

"Hey kid! So I hear you're gonna be chilling with us for a little while." Mal said to the toddler.

"Yeah! It's gonna be fun! We can play more dragons!"

"I'd love to kid, but I'm gonna be leaving in a little bit with Carlos. Oh he's gonna freak out when he sees you which will be hilarious." Mal said with a laugh before her eyes widened at the thought of her another beautiful idea. "Hey, I got an idea kid."

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