Mal and the Reindeer (Part 4)

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After Mal had gone back into little Mal's room they had just pretty much resumed playing dragons for a little bit. But both little Mal and Lola had noticed that the older Mal just wasn't as into the little pretend game they were playing, she seemed almost distracted with something else. "Hey, is there something else on your mind?" Lola asked the girl as she didn't know why she was hardly even paying any attention to anything they were doing.

"Oh sorry, I was just kinda thinking to myself." Mal said with a small laugh in her voice.

"About what?" Little Mal asked up to her curiously.

"You know? It was actually very satisfying to successfully scare your Evie. I've been trying all day to prank her but nothing I ever did worked." Mal said to them.

"What all did you try?" Lola asked as she crossed her arms.

"Just little jump scares, or making her think I was gonna hurt myself. I even tried rearranging all the stuff in her cabinets but nothing worked."

"Well of course those didn't work." Lola laughed.

"What do you mean? Is there something I forgot to try?"

"Evie doesn't get scared of anything, unless of course something were to happen to her precious baby girl." Lola told her while patting the top of little Mal's head.

"But what about what just happened outside? I just turned into a dragon and she completely freaked out."

"Yes, but why do you think she freaked out? She said it herself she thought you were going to eat her child. It all comes down to Mal." Lola informed her. "I mean think about it, what does it all come down to when you scare your Evie?"

Mal gasped at the sudden realization as it hit her right in the face. "You're right! She gets scared that I'm gonna kill myself! It all comes down to me, how have I not realized it before?!"

"I don't know. But I'll tell you what, seeing Evie get freaked out is definitely something fun to witness how about we work together to really scare her?" Lola suggested as she stuck her hand out to Mal.

"Let's do it!" Mal agreed as she shook the girl's hand. "Alright, let's come up with the perfect plan to scare her."

"Right on! Ok first of all, we need to do something that'll be guaranteed to really freak Evie out but at the same time we don't want to do anything too extreme so we don't get you on her list. And I most certainly don't want anything else added to mine." Lola thought out loud as she began pacing back and forth in the bedroom.

"List? What list?" Mal asked her confusedly as she heard her mention something about being on a list, but she had no idea what she meant by that.

"Oh just the list. Evie has a list of everybody that's ever wronged her, I can honestly mine is the longest. Which is why we can't do anything that's really bad so you don't get on it." Lola explained to the teen.

"Oh. Well, in that case, I'm probably already on it." Mal told her.

"Yeah you're probably right actually. Well then, we don't want to do anything that will add anything else to her list." Lola replied as she went back to brainstorming an idea.

"I got it!" Mal suddenly shouted making Lola turn her attention over to her once again. "We should make Evie believe that Mal is sick!"

"You know? That's a good idea! It's not too extreme but it will definitely freak Evie out, it's perfect!" Lola agreed.

"Auntie Lola this is boring can we play now?" Little Mal went up to her aunt as she was starting to feel a little jealous with how much she and the older Mal were talking and she wanted some attention too.

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