The Main Event

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It was a sunny afternoon in Auradon, and Mal was just chilling in one of the lawn chairs outside Evie's cottage with her sunglasses covering her eyes

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It was a sunny afternoon in Auradon, and Mal was just chilling in one of the lawn chairs outside Evie's cottage with her sunglasses covering her eyes. "Ahh, now this is the life!" She sighed to herself as she brought her arms to rest behind her head. Everything was peaceful around her, the only sounds to be heard were the birds chirping, the wind brushing past the trees. All was quiet, the perfect setting for an outdoor nap, that was of course before Evie came out and slapped her with one of her magazines making her sit up and take off her sunglasses so she could look at her with a very confused expression. "What was that for?!"

"I need you to transport us back to that parallel universe. We're gonna go hang out with those other versions of ourselves." Evie told her making Mal's eyes widen in excitement as she quickly stood up to her feet.

"That universe with baby me?!" Evie nodded her head at her with a big smile on her face. "Yes! I love that place! Let's go!" Mal quickly grabbed a hold of Evie's hand before chanting a quick spell that made a bright light appear once again before they found themselves at Evie 1's cottage.

Mal made no hesitation to let go of Evie's hand before running at full speed right for the front door. She didn't even bother knocking she just opened the unlocked door and walked right in looking for little Mal.

"Well hello to you too." Evie 1 greeted the older version of her daughter sarcastically from her place at the dining room table where she had been designing another outfit.

"Oh hey, where's Mal?" Mal asked still looking around for any sign of the little girl.

"In her room I believe." Evie 1 told her as she watched Mal take off towards her daughter's room.

Mal just opened that door all the way and saw the toddler just playing with her dragon toys unaware to her older self in the doorway. "Hey kid, look who's back!"

Little Mal turned her head towards the door and her eyes lit up in excitement at the sight of the other Mal. "You're here! We can play dragons again!" She yelled out while hugging onto her tightly.

"I think we have something planned that's more fun than playing dragons." Evie 1 came into the room with Evie 2 and said.

"Like what?" Little Mal asked her mommy.

"Like Main Event!" Evie 1 replied making the little girl get even more excited as she began jumping up and down while squealing.

"If she gets even more excited she just might burst." Evie 2 said as they all shared a laugh.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go already!" Mal said as she was starting to get pretty impatient.

"Alright let's go!" Evie 1 said as they all got ready to head out the door before going out to her car.

The two Mal's cried out excitedly as they rushed out to said car and got buckled in before Evie 1 drove them towards the Main Event.

"We're gonna have so much fun kid, it's gonna be awesome!" Mal told her younger self as she sat right next to her and gave her a high five.

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