Babysitting Disaster (Part 3)

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Mal, Evie, and the kids continued running as fast and as far as they could away from that store. "Evie wait!" Mal suddenly shouted causing Evie along with the other kids to stop and turn to face her.

"What is it Mal? We can't stop running, if those guys catch us who knows what they'll do to us or the kids." Evie said.

"We can't keep running for over 3 hours while carrying these babies like this. We need some strollers or or something." Mal told her.

"And how are we supposed to get strollers Mal? We don't have any money on us."

"Maybe we could get those baby carriers!" Mal suddenly shouted.

"That could possibly work! Here let's go in here and out of the open so we don't get spotted by those guys." Evie said as she ushered them all into an old abandoned shoe factory before looking around outside to make sure she didn't see Derrick and Zach before shutting the door. "Ok let's see what we got in this diaper bag." Evie set the diaper bag down in front of her and began to see what Evie 3 had packed in it.

"What it's in there?" Mal asked as she watched Evie go through.

"Aha! A carrier!"

"Yeah there's one, but we have 3 more babies." Dizzy said while holding onto baby Mal.

Evie began to think of what she could do for the triplets, before it suddenly came to her. "I have an idea, maybe I can make some more carriers for us real quick."

"Yeah well you better make it fast before those guys find us. And plus we still have a 3 hour walking trip to get back home." Celia told her.

Evie searched through her pockets until she found her little emergency sewing kit that she always took with her everywhere. "This will take maybe 15 minutes." She informed them all before she started working on making some baby carriers for the triplets.

Dizzy and Celia were looking out the old, dirty stained windows to keep any eye out for the two teen boys that were still looking for them. "Any sign of them?" Mal asked from her place standing by Evie.

"No, not that I see."

"Don't take your eyes off that window keep watching for them." Mal instructed them just as she heard Evie sigh and quietly groan. She looked down where Evie was currently sitting while sewing together any kind of materials she could find, she caught her sucking one of her fingers after pricking herself from working so fast. "E maybe you should slow down."

"I can't do that Mal, we have two guys chasing us and who knows how long it'll be before they find us and we need a way to transport these babies around when we have to walk for 3 hours just to get back to our universe before these kids parents come to pick up their kids." Evie said as she was beginning to grow upset. "So no, I will not be slowing down.

"Well excuse me for just wanting to help you out." Mal said to her while rolling her eyes.

"No Mal, you haven't helped me out once today. You're the cause of all this, we wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't tried babysitting the triplets without even telling me and then distracting me while one of the kids snuck out and now we have two guys chasing after us and could possibly hurt these innocent kids."

"Hey! We wouldn't be stuck here in the first place if you hadn't limited my use of magic, so if anything this is your fault!" Mal began yelling after getting blamed for the situation they found themselves in. 

"Oh no, you are not blaming this all on me!" Evie yelled while sewing even faster from all the frustration building up within her.

"Well come on, face it, you're the one that had Fairy Godmother put the spell on me!"

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