Babysitting Disaster (Part 7)

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As soon as the taxi arrived in front of the bowling alley, Evie made sure all of the kids got inside and buckled. "Ok so where does it look like they are?" Evie asked Mal who had the photo of Dizzy and cotton candy's location.

Mal took out her phone yet again to look at the photo she had taken of the kids location. "It looks like they're in the middle of the woods." Mal spoke after looking at the photo.

"What?! Why would those guys take them there?" Evie asked in absolute shock.

"Evie, they're literal kidnappers. Why wouldn't they go there?" Mal questioned in return.

"I just hope $50 is enough to get us there." Evie said as she brought baby Mal closer to her not wanting to think of what those two guys would do to Dizzy and cotton candy if they didn't get there in time.

The whole car ride there Evie had her eyes fixed on the taxi meter the whole way there just silently hoping that they would wouldn't make it to $50 before they got to their destination. And when they came to a stop right where they needed to be Evie breathed a giant sigh of relief when she saw that they only owed the driver $48.27.

"Keep the change." Mal told the cab driver as she handed him the $50.

"So now what? We're in the woods, where do we go from here?" Evie asked over to Mal.

"We have to find where they are. According to their last known location in this photo, they shouldn't be too deep in these woods." Mal replied as she led them further into the trees.

"Evie?" Evie heard one of the twins quietly call from behind her as she felt a small tug on her sleeve. She turned her head and spotted Squeaky right beside her looking up at her with a clear gaze of fear.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked him softly.

"Are those bad guys going to hurt us?" He asked her as his voice shook a little.

"I would never let them even get the chance, you have nothing to worry about sweetie, trust me." Evie told him as she gently squeezed his shoulder and pulled him closer to her in a little side hug while continuing to follow Mal.

"I'm scared too." Squirmy spoke up next as he appeared on Evie's other side as she grabbed a hold of his hand and held both of the twins hands while continuing to walk towards Dizzy and cotton candy's location. "What if they hurt Dizzy and Mal!"

"I'm sure they're fine, we just have to get to them before anything really bad happens." Evie did her best to try and keep them calm.

After a little more of walking through the woods, Mal came to a stop as she peered around a tree. Evie along with Celia and the twins stared at Mal confusedly not understanding what she could be looking at. "What is it, Mal?" Celia questioned trying to see and find out what Mal was looking at.

Mal looked back at them with her finger in front of her lips gesturing for them all to stay quiet. She then pointed behind her as they all caught sight of an old looking RV not too far from them. "That's where they are." Mal whispered to them.

"Are you sure?" Evie questioned.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Mal whispered back harshly as she thought it was obvious that, that was where the two teen boys were keeping Dizzy and cotton candy. "This is pretty much where the photo said their location was."

"So what do we do? We have to go and save them!" Celia said looking right at the RV ready to just storm inside and get her two sisters.

"Hold on! We have to come up with a plan first, we can't just go barging in there blindly." Mal told her stopping Celia from running off.

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