Babysitting Disaster (Part 2)

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A/N: These are 2 new characters that are going to be featured in this little short story!

A/N: These are 2 new characters that are going to be featured in this little short story!

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This is Derrick

And this is Zach

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And this is Zach. I think that's all before you go on to read this story, so go on and enjoy!


"Alright we need to go and bring Celia back and fast." Evie said to Mal. "Take us to the other universe."

"Are you sure about this Evie?" Mal asked before she snapped her fingers because she was still trying to decide on whether this was a good idea or not, with them dragging along 7 kids when 4 of them were babies, this could go so wrong so easily.

"No I'm not sure about it at all. But what other choice do we have? We have to go find Celia so just take us now." Evie told her. Mal only shrugged her shoulders before she snapped her fingers which then transported them to one of the parallel universes. "Ok Dizzy, you said you know where Celia is, so where is she?"

"Well I said I think I know where she is." Dizzy informed her. "She's planning on getting revenge on two of the mean girls and so that means she could be in 1 of 3 places."

"And where would those places be?" Evie asked her.

"Well she's either at Samantha's house, Charlotte's house, or the park. But I don't know which one for sure."

"We have to check all of them then." Mal spoke up.

"Yeah, I think you're right. Well then, we better get a move on. We'll check Samantha's house first, so Dizzy, Mal, pick up a baby." Evie told them as she picked up Liv and baby Mal.

Mal picked up Maddie while Dizzy picked up the other baby Mal. "Ok now before I snap us over to the house, I need an address or a pic of the house because I need to at least have an idea as to where I'm going in order to snap us there." Mal said to Dizzy.

"Ok I know this, I believe the address is 2752 Midnight drive." Dizzy told Mal who nodded before snapping them over to Samantha's house.

"Ok Dizzy go knock on the door and see if they're in there." Evie told the girl as Dizzy nodded as before she handed Mal baby Mal and approaching the front door and ringing the doorbell.

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