Babysitting Disaster (Part 5)

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After running out from the set and back onto the busy streets, Mal, Evie, and the rest of the kids were running as fast as they could from the guys who were still chasing after them.

"Evie, I don't know how much farther these kids can run!" Mal said to her friend as they ran into an alleyway to try and at least get out of the open and the two guys couldn't just see them.

"Yeah, but we don't exactly have much of a choice. The last thing we need right now is those guys catching up to us, I mean who knows what they'll do if they were to get to us. And I really don't feel like giving them that chance." Evie replied as she leaned against the wall with the others while trying to catch their breaths.

"Why do they want to catch us so bad?" Celia asked as she really didn't understand the whole being chased thing.

"Like I said back at the store, they want to help us babysit but only if we agree to go out with them. But we don't even know them so obviously we said no." Mal explained to her.

"But why are they chasing us? Are they that desperate for a date that they have to chase two girls with a bunch of kids all over town?" Celia asked.

"They must be, but they're not getting anything from us so I don't understand why they're still chasing us." Evie replied.

While they were continuing to catch their breaths, baby Mal had begun to get fussy from her place in the carrier Mal was wearing. Mal looked down at the baby was starting to squirm while crying and she tried calming her down. "Hey it's ok kid, what's the matter?" She asked as if the baby could answer her.

"Everything ok M?" Evie asked over to Mal noticing that one of the babies was getting fussy.

"I don't know, Mal's just getting a little fussy." Mal said as she took baby Mal out of the carrier and just held her still trying to calm her down.

"Is something wrong with her?" Evie asked as she was beginning to grow concerned.

"I don't know she just won't stop crying." Mal replied before Maddie also began to start crying along with Liv as neither of them liked hearing their sister cry.

"We gotta them to quiet down before those guys hear them and find us." Dizzy said as she held on to cotton candy who was looking like she was about to start crying too from hearing the other babies crying.

"Dizzy's right, we need to calm them down." Evie replied as she picked up Liv from the carrier and started bouncing her and humming softly in her ear to get her to stop crying.

Mal tried doing the same with baby Mal but not too long after she tried that, baby Mal ended up puking all over her. "Ew! That is so gross! Evie she's thrown up."

Evie quickly looked up as she saw Mal holding baby Mal as far away from her as she could with both of them covered in baby Mal's puke. She gently gave Liv to Celia as she grabbed baby Mal from her before Mal could drop her. "Here's a burp rag so you can try and clean yourself off." She told her giving her the rag as Mal began to wipe all the puke off of her. "Ok sweetie, what's wrong? Are you sick?" Just as Evie was about to start cleaning baby Mal off, she threw up yet again this time all over Evie. "Ok that's great."

"Do you think that she might be getting sick?" Dizzy asked as she watched Evie trying to wipe the puke off of her while still holding a crying baby Mal.

"It's possible, but I really hope not. The last thing we need right now is a sick baby when we still have yet to make it to Auradon Prep." Evie replied as she began wiping all the puke off of baby Mal who continued to cry in her arms. Evie brought her hand to the baby's forehead to see if she felt warm and sighed when she felt that it was definitely warm. "Yeah I think she has a fever, but I don't know how high of one."

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