Stranded On Christmas (Part 1)

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A/N: Hey everyone! Me and my friend Descendantsfan03 recently came up with a brand new idea for a little Christmas short story. I'm going to be writing the first part of this story and then the second part following this will be continued on her collection for our collabs so make sure you all go and check that out later. Anyway I hope you all enjoy our new story and Merry early Christmas. Anyway, on to the story!


It was that time of year once again, snow was on the ground, all the houses were covered in all kinds of Christmas lights and decorations. Mal was hanging out in the other universe with little Mal and Evie 1 and all the others.

"So what kinda stuff did you ask your mom for Christmas?" Mal asked the younger version of herself as they sat on the couch watching the Christmas episodes of their favorite shows.

"Dwagons!" Little Mal shouted up to her older self who let out a laugh.

"I should've known, after all, I asked my Evie the same thing." Mal said while lifting her attention back to the tv.

Meanwhile, both Evie's were in the kitchen talking while also keeping an eye on their respective Mal's with their own mugs of hot chocolate in their hands. "Aren't they just adorable?" Evie 1 asked Evie 2 as they looked over at the two Mal's who were snuggled up next to each other under a blanket on the couch.

Evie 2 smiled while watching the two as she nodded in response. "Yeah I know."

"You know, I find it really crazy how fast time has really flown by considering it was this time of year when we all first met." Evie 1 told her other self.

"Oh for sure, discovering the multiverse was insane but at the same time it was probably the best thing that could have ever happened to us." Evie 2 replied.

Evie 1 nodded with a smile on her face as she remembered when she and little Mal had first met Evie 2 and her Mal. She definitely agreed in that it was one of the best things to happen to them. Ever since then, they all practically hung out every day and it also encouraged them to go out and find more universes with more Evie's and Mal's.

After a little while of the four of them hanging out and either talking or watching tv, Evie 2 looked over and noticed the time which made her eyes go slightly wide. "Wow, its getting kinda late and I think its probably time for me and Mal to get going now."

Evie 1 also looked over as she saw the time. "Oh yeah you're right, I should be getting Mal to bed."

Little Mal immediately shook her head after hearing that as she then grabbed onto the older Mal's arm refusing to let go. "No bed mommy."

"Yeah I agree, no bed." Mal said making her Evie send her a look.

"M, its time for us to go we can come and hang out another time as always." Evie 2 reminded her.

"Ugh fine." Mal gave in as she picked up her younger self and gave her a hug. "Bye kid, I'll see you later."

"No weave." Little Mal wrapped her arms around her neck.

"I'll be back later, I promise."

"Otay." Little Mal said as her older self then put her down before she ran over to her mom.
Mal waved at them before she and Evie 2 then headed back home for the night.


The next day Mal was forced into catching up on her homework that she had tried skipping and hiding from Evie. But as always Evie found out and made her do it. She was on her math homework when she suddenly received a text from Audrey.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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