Babysitting Disaster (Part 4)

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After several minutes of excruciating pain, Derrick and Zach had been lying and groaning on the floor after what the two girls had done to them. "C'mon Zach, we can't stay here forever." Derrick said to his friend as he slowly stood back up. "We have to find those kids and make them pay, now."

"Alright, but I'm not sure how well I can walk man, after what she did to my foot I won't be walking normal for awhile." Zach replied as he also made his way back up to his feet.

"Whatever, we just gotta go before we lose them for good." Derrick said before he and Zach climbed out the same window as the others did.

However, as Zach was in the process of climbing through he caught sight of a phone just lying on the ground. "Hey Derrick look what I found!"

Derrick turned back around after hearing that and approached Zach to see what he had. "Oh, looks like one of those little brats left behind their phone." He said as he took the phone from him and turned it on before smiling upon seeing google maps. "Well, well, well looks like we know where they're heading."


"Auradon Prep, so let's go." Derrick replied before he and Zach walked in the direction of Auradon Prep to find those kids.


"This is boring!" Squirmy spoke up after they had all been walking for awhile.

"I agree, all this walking is pretty boring." Mal agreed with him.

"Well I can't exactly make this too interesting we have a long way to go before we get to Auradon Prep and we can't exactly afford to make many stops. Especially when we have two guys who are trying to get us." Evie told them.

"Hey, I got an idea." Mal suddenly said before jogging up towards the front of their little group getting out her phone. "We should take a bunch of selfies!"

"Yeah!" All the kids shouted in agreement.

"No! We don't have time for selfies we have to get to Auradon Prep before the parents get back and I can only imagine how big of a mess you have to clean up when you get the triplets back." Evie informed her.

"Oh come on E, it won't hurt if we take one selfie." Mal said before holding her phone out to take a selfie with the whole group. "Everybody say cheeseburger!"

"Cheeseburger!" They all shouted as Mal took the photo.

"Oh yeah, check this out. We look good." Mal said as she and the kids checked out the photo.

"Whoa! When's the last time you had a manicure?" Dizzy asked Mal as she saw Mal's hands while holding the phone.

"I don't think I've ever had one." Mal replied to her.

"What?! Ok we need to fix that, your poor hands deserve it." Dizzy told her making Mal just look at her in confusion.

"Ok how old are you again?"

"I'm 13." Dizzy replied with a smile.

"Do you wanna know what I was doing with these hands when I was 13?"

"No! No she does not Mal." Evie yelled stopping that conversation as Dizzy did not need to hear about any of that.

"Aw come on, I wasn't gonna mention any of the graphic stuff."

"Never mind, I think I'm good." Dizzy replied as she continued on walking.

Mal shrugged before she looked down at cotton candy who was just chilling in the baby carrier. "What about you? You wanna know what I was doing with my hands when I was your age?"

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