Babysitting Disaster (Part 1)

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Hey everyone! Just so a few parts in this short story will make sense, me and my very good friend Descendantsfan03 have come up with yet another fun and awesome idea! Anyway, this idea involves 2 different versions of her Evie's. These Evie's are the Evie's from both her Carvie Family series and her My One and Only series. So while they won't be in this story all that much they are mentioned and so it's not confusing for you, her Carvie Family Evie will be mentioned as Evie 3, and her My One and Only Evie will be mentioned as Evie 4 just so that's not confusing. Anyway, now that that's out of the way, enjoy the story and please let me know what you thought!


Mal had been working on a brand new random drawing in her sketchbook as she enjoyed all the quiet in her house and in her room. That was of course until the quiet was interrupted by the sound of a vacuum running downstairs. Mal set her pencil down and closed her sketchbook as she went downstairs to see why someone was vacuuming for absolutely no reason. If she heard that vacuum it usually meant someone was coming over and Mal was curious as to who could possibly be coming.

When she made it to the bottom of the stairs she caught sight of Evie vacuuming the living room while also picking up a few items off the floor here and there and fixing some of the pillows on her couch. She leaned against the wall while watching her doing so and waiting for her to notice her so she could question her as to who was coming for a visit or whatever. She waited there for about 5 minutes before Evie finished up and then finally noticed her standing there.

"Oh hey Mal, sorry if I disturbed you I'm just trying to straighten up the house." Evie said to her as she folded one of her blankets over the chair.

"How come? Is somebody coming over or something?" Mal asked in reply while sitting down on the couch and propping her feet up on the coffee table.

"Yes actually, I'm babysitting for one of the Evie's tonight while she and her Carlos go on a date." Evie informed her as she grabbed Mal's feet and put them down on the floor and off her table.

"Oh so the one with the insane amount of kids?"

"She has 5 children." Evie informed her.

"Hey, maybe I can help you! After all I am pretty great with kids."

Evie couldn't help but laugh at that statement Mal had just said. "Um no thanks. I'm already babysitting 5 kids, I don't plan on making it 6."

"Aw come on Evie! I can help you babysit, you're just underestimating me."

"Ha! That's funny! But seriously Mal, I can watch them so much better without you getting in my way. So if you could just hang out in your room or something tonight that would be great." Evie told her as she started heading upstairs to take a quick shower after all that cleaning had made her quite sweaty.

"You can't be serious!" Mal yelled up the stairs.

"Oh but I am!" Evie yelled back down to her.

Mal huffed as she didn't think this was very fair. She needed to prove to Evie that she could be a good babysitter. She didn't deserve to be locked up in her room just because Evie thought she would just be like another kid to babysit. While all of those were circling through her head, the sound of Evie's ringtone sounded from the dining room. So she walked into the room where she saw Evie's phone right on the table ringing due to someone calling her.

She picked it up and saw who was calling before answering it seeing that it was Evie 4 who was calling her. "Hey there."

"Um hey? You don't sound like Evie." Evie 4 replied to the voice who had answered.

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