Babysitting Disaster (Final Part)

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Derrick slowly opened his eyes and winced in pain from the pain coming from both of his head and his arm from what Mal had done to him previously. He caught sight of Zach still unconscious on the other side of the RV and he could feel his anger rising the more he thought of Mal and Evie and what they had done to them and foiled their plans for Dizzy and the baby.

So Derrick slowly stood up to his feet and did his best with what he had available to make himself a splint for his arm as he was pretty sure Mal had broken it. After that was done he made his way over to Zach to try and wake him up. He used his other arm to shake him until he finally returned to consciousness.

"Huh? What's going on?" He asked as he sat up holding his head from the headache he was experiencing.

"Come on get up, we gotta go and get those girls and make them pay for what they did to us." Derrick informed him as Zach quickly found himself agreeing with his friend.

"Let's go!" Zach shouted as he then stood to his feet and ran with Derrick outside of the RV and to where they last parked their truck to go and find the two teen girls with all the kids. But they immediately stopped in their tracks when they found that the truck was gone. "Uh, where's our truck?"

"Those girls stole our truck! We're going to have to drive the RV." Derrick said as he and Zach then ran back into the RV and Zach drove off. "We know they're heading for Auradon Prep so we have to go there if we want to catch them. Step on it!" Zach wasted no time in pressing on the gas as hard as he could and sped out of the trees and in the direction towards Auradon Prep.


Evie was driving as fast as she could for Auradon Prep while also driving as carefully as possible considering she had 4 babies in the vehicle without any car seats, not to mention Mal and Celia in the back not even inside the truck. "Do you think those guys will try and come after us again?" Dizzy asked Evie with a slightly shaky voice as she was still shook up from being kidnapped along with cotton candy.

"I don't know. I really hope not, I just hope that we can make it to the school and back to our universe before they can get to us. And of course before your parents come to pick you guys up too." Evie spoke keeping her eyes fixed on the road in front of her and her hands firmly on the wheel just trying to keep calm even though she was still freaking out on the inside.

While Evie continued to drive she suddenly heard banging on the window in the back of the truck. "What is that noise!" She asked the twins who were sitting in the back."

"It's Mal and Celia!" Squeaky informed Evie.

"Well tell them to stop, they should know better."

Squirmy then opened the window about to tell them what Evie had just said, but Mal and Celia started shouting at them. "Those guys found us! And they're gaining on us!" Mal practically screamed at Evie.

"What!? But how! We stole their truck!"

"Yeah, but we didn't steal their RV." Mal informed her making Evie slam her hand on the wheel out of frustration as she thought they would have been able to get away.

As Evie did her best to try and stay far enough head of Derrick and Zach, she suddenly saw as they drove right up beside her in the RV dangerously close. The babies were crying and the kids were yelling things completely terrified of what was going on. "They're going to try and run us off the road!" Dizzy cried out as the twins then screamed which made the babies start crying harder.

"Not if I have anything to say about it. Hold on to the babies guys, this is going to be a rough ride." Evie told the kids before she pressed down on the gas harder and sped past the boys in the RV beside them. Evie knew it was dangerous to be driving like she was, but when their were two guys chasing her in an RV trying to hurt her and the innocent children with her, she wasn't about to take anymore chances.

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