Morning after

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I woke up with a tingling between my legs, as I opened my eyes I saw the face of the man who had truly ruined me. When I saw his face I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I sat up and put my hand to my head 'oh god' I thought 'I'm so stupid' as I went to leave the bed he stirred beside me.
"Good morning"
"You okay?"
"Yeah....I haven't tried walking yet so we will see"
He laughed. Oh god that laugh even that turned me on.
"Yeah, I didn't think you knew who I was. You didn't mention it last night"
"Well last night I was slightly drunk so you just looked like a guy to me"
"Sorry I didn't mean it like that"
"No it's okay. Does it freak you out?"
"A little. I mean this wasn't some publicity thing right I'm not going to end up in trouble or paps following me?"
"No" he laughed "I liked what I saw in the club and I chose to act on it"
He moved closer to me and ran his finger up and down my arm, his touch was like fire.
"Is that okay?" I needed to form words but was having a very hard time concentrating on anything but his hands "yes. It was ok"
He moved closer and started to kiss up my arm, making his way to my neck. I was already dripping I could feel it. I moaned as he made his way to my sensitive spot on my neck. How was he so good at this? I mean He's an actor of course he's good at this. He gently lay me back down and climbed on top of me. My hands immediately went to his neck and pulled him down. The kissing was insane. I felt like I was going to cum right there and then. Just as he was about to reach under the covers my phone started ringing
"Ignore it" he kissed down my neck more
"I can' might friends from last night"
He groaned and got off me. I reached over and grabbed my phone
"Hey April"
"You little slut! You slept with him didn't you?"
"Yeah I did" I laughed
"Was he good?"
"I can't talk right now"
"Omg your still there? Haha you little slag! You have to tell me everything later okay? Seb get of me"
"Yeah I'll explain later. Love you"
"Love y...."
She hung up before I could respond. I looked over at chris he was smirking.
"Did you just say Seb?"
"Yeah why?"
"I think your friend hooked up with my friend"
"Well that would explain a lot"
He just kept looking me up and down
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because your insanely gorgeous and I really want to kiss every inch of you"
I shuddered at his words. What was going on? Why did he have so much effect on me?
"Well as wonderful as that sounds, I really should get going"
"I have packing to do"
"Yeah Im leaving to pursue my career"
"I'm a lawyer"
"Nice. Smart and beautiful"
"Smooth. I've got to go"
"Okay but can I get your number?"
"Is that such a good idea?"
"Why wouldn't it be?"
"Your Chris Evans. Captain America. Why would want my number?"
"Because I like you"
"You don't know me and let's face, we probably ain't going to see each other again. So maybe this should be remembered as an incredible night between two strangers."
"Hmmmm how about night and morning?"
Before I had chance to reply he picked me up and threw me on the bed. I didn't know if I could take another go but I was definitely not going to stop him. There isn't many girls who can say they had sex with Captain America.

After 2 hours I finally left chris at the hotel. He was adamant to get my number but I wouldn't allow it. We weren't going to see each other again so there just wasn't any point.
I made my way home and found April lay on the sofa, completely zonked out.
I threw a pillow at her head as I sat down and she jumped awake and fell to the ground. I laughed my head off.
"Not funny bitch"
"No sleep last night?"
"Not a wink. Man Sebastian has some stamina and girl let me tell you the size on that man. Oh my god!"
I laughed "so you had fun then?"
"So much fun, over and over and over......."
"Alright I get it"
"What about you?"
"Yeah I had fun too."
"So was Captain America as amazing as he seems"
"Oh yeah!"
We giggled like school girls and decided to make some breakfast. We carried on talking about last night while we ate and we were laughing so much. I didn't tell her about chris asking for my number she would probably yell at me for not giving it to him.
We both showered and got dressed. We had a lot of packing to do today so we needed to get started. It was going to be a long day.
I couldn't get chris out of my head. It really was incredible evening and morning. It's a shame I won't see him again.

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