3 months later

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It had been 3 months since me and chris decided to try the dating thing. And it had been going really well. He had taken me out on a few dates and they had all been very romantic and very chris.
My job was going amazing, I was really making head way with my colleagues and they were trusting me more and more with cases. Nothing huge just little things to start off with.
I sent April a big text saying how sorry I was about Christmas and how I missed her but things just felt so different. I never got a reply. I missed her so much she was the only family I really knew but I couldn't force her to talk to me.
Today was my birthday and it wasn't an easy day for me. It reminded me how I was abandoned and how my parents didn't want me. It also reminded that I didn't have April here. We would always spend my birthday together. Do stupid things and spend lots of money. So I didn't want to celebrate today I just wanted to be left alone.
I was up in my apartment not doing much when my phone rang.
"Hey babe"
"Hey chris"
"Happy birthday"
"You don't sound happy what's wrong?"
"Nothing just don't really like celebrating my birthday is all"
"Why not? Your birth is definitely something to celebrate"
"Maybe to you"
"Well I want to take you out tonight"
"Cuz I like you and it's your birthday"
"Chris I'm sorry but I really don't want to go out okay. I just want to be left alone" and with that I hang up the phone. I know it's not chris fault and I shouldn't be taking it out on him but I don't want to go anywhere.
I lay on the couch and watch movies for the rest of the day. Eating jelly beans and drinking coke. I just wanted today to pass with no one else mentioning my birthday.
A few hours later my door bell rings, I get up to answer it.
"Chris? What are you doing here?"
"Well I wanted to know if you were okay? You hung up on me"
"I know. I'm sorry I just really don't like today okay"
I walk back towards the living room and chris follows "Chloe there has to be a reason. Talk to me"
"Chris, my birth was such a disappointment to my parents that they dumped me at fire station okay. They didn't want me and every year on this day im reminded of that. I'm also reminded that my adoptive parents aren't here to celebrate with me and my best friend in the whole world isn't here either. No body cares that I was born okay. Nobody"
"I care"
"Chris I know your just trying to be sweet but I can't handle it right now"
I walk over to the kitchen, I can feel the tears stinging my eyes and I don't want to cry in front of him.
I hear chris make his way over to me, he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you"
I turn to face him, he sees the tears in my eyes and cups my cheeks "hey, why are you crying?"
"Chris, all my life I've only really ever had April and now she isn't taking to me and I don't know what to do"
He pulls me in for a hug "we will fix you and April I promise okay?" I nod against his chest
"Look I know your birthday is a big no for you but I got you something"
"Chris you shouldn't have"
"Please just open it" he hands me a box, it's small and white and looks very expensive. As I open it up, I see 2 charms, one is a book and one is a star.
"There for your charm bracelet. The book because of you being a kick ass lawyer and the star because your my star"
I look up at him and smile "thank you" I pull him into a passionate kiss. He moans as my tongue finds his. We pull away needed air
"Your welcome"
He helps me put the charms on my bracelet and I can't help but smile at how thoughtful he is.
"How about" he wraps his arms around my waist "we order in and chill out in front of the TV with a movie"
"That sounds perfect" I kiss him lightly on his lips and he smiles.
I don't know what I did to deserve this man but he is amazing and I can't wait to see where our relationship goes.

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