Waiting game

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Chris POV

"Yes. Is she okay?"
"She is stable. She lost a lot of blood, we gave her a transfusion. Sometimes there are complications with these procedures but she is okay. She is sleeping at the moment. When she wakes up we will do some tests and make sure everything is okay. Would you like to go sit with her?"
"Yea please"
I walk down to the room and I see a nurse with the babies stood there.
"We wanted to bring them here so she could see them when she wakes up"
"Thank you"
I walk over to her bed and she looks so pale, I sit down next to her and hold her hand.
"Hey baby, you have to wake up and meet our babies okay. Please Chloe wake up"

It's been 2 hours and Chloe still hasn't woken up, my mum has gone home to update everyone on what happened. I'm sat with my baby girls just staring at them, there sound asleep.
"Hey my princesses, your mummy is going to love you guys so much. She is the sweetest and kindest person I know and she is just going to love you."
"I do love them" I turn and Chloe is sat eyes open.
"Baby?" I walk over to her and sit on the edge of the bed.
"Hey" she cups my cheek and smiles. I can't help but she'd a few tears.
"I thought I'd lost you"
"I'm sorry"
I shake my head and pull her into a kiss.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
The nurse comes in and sees Chloe awake
"Mrs Evans, I'm so happy to see you awake"
I see Chloe smile at the name and she doesn't correct her.
After a little while the doctor comes in and checks Chloe over. He checks her incision and everything seems okay. Chloe has to stay in the hospital for a couple of days just so they can make sure she is okay.
After the doctor leaves, the nurse hands over the girls to Chloe. She can only hold 1 at a time because of her incision.
"Oh there so beautiful chris"
"They really are"
My mum walks in, smiling with balloons and cards and gift from everyone back home.
"So can I know my granddaughters names?"
"Of course, this is Penelope Patrica Evans after my mama and this is Primrose Lisa Evans after you mum"
She starts to tear up "those are beautiful names"
"Do you want to hold them?"
"Yes please"
She sits down and I hand her the girls. She smiles down at them with so much pride.
"Hey, my beautiful bumble bees, I'm your grandma and I'm going to spoil you rotten"
I can't help but laugh and so does Chloe.
"Yeah what's wrong?"
"My ring? Where is it?"
"I have it, they took it off because of surgery"
I grab it out of my wallet and place is back on her finger "there right where it belongs"
I kiss her hand and sit down next to her carefully. I kiss her forehead and smile "I love you"
"I love you too"
We sit and watch my mum fawn over our baby girls. I can't believe it I'm a dad. This is the best feeling in the world.

1 week later

We have been home for a couple of days now and we have settled in to a nice routine. Chloe is still healing so she will have to take it easy for a while. So I'm trying to get as much done while the girls nap as possible. Chloe is in the living room, I can tell she is frustrated and just wants to get up and do stuff but she can't.
"Baby can I get you anything?"
"No it's okay. Your busy sweetie I'll do it"
"No, you can't move around too much okay. You have to take it easy"
"Chris please I'm going insane here"
"I'm sorry but....."
I was taken back. She has never shouted at me like that. She is stood there in obvious pain, I don't know what to say. I just stand there looking at her. She looks so sad, then I see the tears start to roll down her cheeks
"I'm sorry chris, I didn't mean to shout. I'm so sorry" she sobs, I walk over to her and gently wrap my arms around her.
"I know baby it's okay" I stroke her hair gently.
"No it's not, you've been nothing short of spectacular and I'm shouting at you. I'm so sorry"
"Hey" I look her in the eyes "stop apologising okay, your frustrated and tired and in pain. It's okay to shout sometimes."
"I shouldn't be taking it out on you"
"Hey, I can take it. I'm captain America remember"
She giggles "there is that sound I love" she smiles up at me "how did I get so lucky to fall in love with you"
"You chose the right bar and the right time"
She smacks my chest "you big dork"
"Why don't you go lay down, I'll bring some food and something to drink and we can just watch a movie before the girls wake up for feeding okay?"
She nods, she slowly makes her way to our bedroom. I watch her just in case she falls. I don't want to crowd her, but I have to make sure she is okay. I grab everything and head on up to the bedroom. When I open the door she is curled up fast asleep. She looks so peaceful and so beautiful. I love her with all of my heart and I can't wait to marry her.

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