Family bbq

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Chris POV

It's been a few weeks since my birthday at the cabin and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Chloe went above and beyond to make sure I had an amazing time. I didn't think I could possibly love her anymore then I already did but I was wrong.
My mum was hosting a family bbq for us today, the weather was beautiful and we wanted to get everyone together. I had just pulled up to Chloe's apartment when I saw April coming out with tears down her face.
"Oh hey chris"
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to talk to Chloe but it didn't go well. I'm just going to go"
Before I had a chance to say anything she was already in her car and driving away.
I ran up to Chloe apartment, I walked in and she was stood in the kitchen. I could hear her crying. She was so broken.
I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She rested her head on my shoulder.
"What happened?"
"Apparently  I'm a selfish bitch and I need to worry more about my friends then my boyfriend"
"She said that?"
"Yeah, of course she didn't take any of the blame for us not keeping in touch. Apparently it's all my fault"
"I'm so sorry chlo" she turned around in my arms and put her hands on the nape of my neck. She pulled my lips to hers and kissed me softly.
"Don't be sorry chris this isn't your fault"
"I've been taking up any spare time you have"
"Your my boyfriend. Your supposed to take up my spare time"
"Yeah but maybe If I..."
"If you what?"
"If I back off a little then you and April could talk again"
"You want to back off?"
"No......god no Chloe. I love you and I would spend every minute with you if I could. I just don't want you to loose your best friend"
"I appreciate it chris I do, but the end of the day the phone works both ways so she could have called me too"
"Thats true"
"Me and April have been through so much together. Maybe this is how our friendship was supposed to end"
"Don't say that. You guys will work it out I'm sure"
She smiled and kissed me again.
"Still want to go to the bbq?"
"Of course"
"Come on then"
She grabbed her bag and phone and we set off to the car
"You look gorgeous by the way"
"Thank you"

 "Still want to go to the bbq?""Of course" "Come on then"She grabbed her bag and phone and we set off to the car "You look gorgeous by the way""Thank you"

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We drove all the way to my mums and walked inside. Everyone was already there. Scott came running over and dragged Chloe away from me.
I laughed and made my way to the kitchen where I knew my mum would be.
"Hey ma"
"Hey honey. Where's Chloe?"
"Scott kidnapped her"
"Oh right" she laughed "how are you?"
"So good"
"I'm so happy to hear that"
"Need any help?"
"Yes please"
I helped my mum plate up some of the snacks she had made.
"Do you think it's too soon for me to ask Chloe to move in with me?"
"You been together for nearly what 7 months. I don't think that's too soon. You love each other right?"
"Very much so"
"Honey, ask her. If she says she isn't ready then be okay with it"
"Thanks ma"
"No problem. Come on let's head out"
We walk out to the garden, I see Scotty and Chloe laughing with my sisters and it makes me smile so much. My family adore her and that makes me so happy.
"Hey baby" she says while kissing me on the cheek.
"What are you all talking about?"
"Yeah Carly and shanna where just filing me in on some of the stuff you guys got up to as kids"
"Oh no" I wrap my arms around her waist and hide my face in her shoulder "please don't listen to them"
"But it's so funny" she giggles.
We all laugh at the stories being told, it was so nice to be back with my family after a long time away.

It had been a few hours. We had eaten and we were just sat around the fire, enjoying each other company. Chloe was sat in between my legs on one of the chairs. She was completely relaxed.
We were just talking about Disney land when her phone started ringing. She looked and saw April's name, she looked up at me confused. She walked off and answered the call.
I'm not sure how long she was gone but she came rushing over to me "chris I have to go"
"What's happened?"
"April is in the hospital. I'm not sure what's happened"
"Okay, let's go"
I explain to my family quickly and we drive to the hospital. Chloe holding my hand tightly the entire ride there. When we get to the reception desk. Chloe asks for April. The reception asks us to wait in the waiting area and a doctor will be over to talk with us soon.
We are sat waiting when we see a doctor come over "are you April family?"
"Yes we are"
"Okay, I'm Dr Robinson, I've been working on aprils case"
"Case? What happened?"
"She was attacked. She was on her way home and she got jumped by a few men. They beat her and I'm sorry to say they also raped her"
Chloe starts crying "OMG! Is she okay?"
"She is shaken and she is in a lot of pain. We have  given her some painkillers to take away the pain and we have done all the rape kits and taken photographs. So she is now resting"
"Can I go and see her?"
"Yes you may. But it might be a good idea for you to go alone"
Chloe looked over to me "it's fine baby. Go be with her okay?"
"Thank you"
"I'll be here okay"
She nodded and kissed me "I love you"
"I love you too"
She walked with the doctor and disappeared down the hall. I couldn't believe what had happened to April. I knew Chloe would need as much support as possible to help April through this.

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