2 weeks later

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It had been 2 weeks since I arrived home to be with April and her mum. She was getting much weaker and I didn't know what to do. The doctors knew she didn't have a lot of time left and they were just trying to make sure she was comfortable.
I was just washing up when my phone rang, I quickly dried my hands and answered it was chris. He tries to ring me the same time every day.
"Hey baby girl"
"Hey handsome"
"You okay?"
"Not really. She is getting weaker chris. She doesn't have long left"
I can't help the tear that rolls down my cheek.
"I'm so sorry sweetie. I wish I could be there with you"
"I know but it's okay"
"It's not Chloe I should be there supporting you through this"
"You are with me chris, everyday. Without your love and support I wouldn't have made it this far"
"I do love you so much"
"I love you too"
"I gotta go baby, please give Trish my love and if you need anything just call me"
"Okay love you"
"Love you too"
I hung up and couldn't help but cry a little. I didn't know how I was ever going to say goodbye to Trish. She was my mama and always would be.

I've been feeling really worn out and sick these past few days so I decide to go and see a doctor, I have to take Trish for an appointment anyway so thought I'd get it over with.
I door Trish and April at there appointment and head on over to mine.
"Hello Chloe what's seems to be the problem"
"I've not been feeling well, really tired, sick and just worn out. I've been taking care of my sick mother so I figured it was just stress but I wanted to be 100% sure"
"Okay, well first thing we need to do is a pregnancy test"
"A what? I'm not pregnant I'm on the pill"
"It's just a formality we have to do"
"And then we will draw some blood and go from there okay"
I nod. The doctor did a pregnancy test and went off to get the results.
I was nervous, I mean I can't be pregnant there is no way.
When the doctor comes back in I can't really gauge his facial expression's. He isn't giving anything away.
"So, your results are back and your pregnant"
"Sometimes the pill doesn't always work and If your not using condoms then"
"Are you okay?"
"I don't know"
I just sit there, the doctor is talking but I'm not taking any of it in. How could I be so stupid? I can't have a baby right now. How am I going to tell chris?

I finish up my appointment and so does Trish, we make our way back to the house and I still haven't quiet let it soak in that I'm pregnant. I feel like I need to tell someone, I can't tell chris over the phone I have to speak to him face to face. I've just pulled up and I'm getting out of the car while April helps Trish. I look up and I see none other then chris standing outside the door.
"Chris? What are you doing here?"
He picks me up and spins me around "I know you needed me so I'm here"
I start to cry "baby, why are you crying?"
I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly "I'm just happy your here"
We walk inside and I introduce him to Trish properly. He met her briefly when we were taking care of April but he never really got to sit and talk to her.
I can tell April is staying away from him. She won't look at him or really speak to him.
"You can talk to chris okay. I know your sorry for what happened and it's ok"
"It's not ok Chloe, I don't want to ever make you think I'm trying to do anything with him"
"I know okay"
I pull her into a hug "can I tell you a secret?"
"Yeah of course"
"I'm pregnant"
"Omg! Chloe that's amazing"
"Is it?"
"You not happy?"
"I don't know april, I love chris and I want to have a baby but I figured it would happen later on in life not now. Not when my career is just starting. And chris is busy with marvel and so many other projects. It's not the right time to have a baby"
"Have you told him?"
"No I haven't. I don't know how to"
"Chloe, your my best friend and I love you. I never seen you this happy and I know it's sooner then you planned but maybe this is just how it's meant to be"
"So you think me being pregnant is a sign"
"Your what?" I turn around and see chris standing there, mouth open. Shocked to his core.

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