3 months later

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I'm now 5 months pregnant, and I already feel huge. I've been living with chris and sleeping in his spare room. We have become really close again and he really has stepped up when it comes to the baby but I'm still not ready to take that step with him. I'm still scared.
"Hey Chloe!" Chris has just come home after filming. He is filming in Boston at the moment which means he comes home everyday.
"In the bathroom"
He walks towards the door and sees me relaxing in a bubble bath. My back has been really hurting during this pregnancy.
"You look relaxed"
He kneels down next the bath and runs his hand over my bump "how's my little princess doing?"
"Princess? You don't know that chris"
"I have good instincts about these things"
As he is mindlessly rubbing his hand back and forth I feel a sudden jolt. Chris stops "what was that?"
"I think it kicked"
"Omg!" He run his hand again and it happened again "that was definitely a kick. Omg that was amazing"
I can't help but laugh "it really was"
He places his hand on my cheek and smiles down at me "that's our baby"
"Yeah it is"
He just stares at me for a long time, he moves closer and presses a soft kiss to my lips.
"I know" he leans his forehead on mine "I'm sorry" he goes to leave but I grab his hand and pull him back.
I cup his face and pull his close. I've missed him so much.
The kiss is soft but passionate. It's like all of our emotions are pouring into one kiss.
He slowly pulls away "I've missed that"
"Me too" we just sit there. Heads leaning on each other not saying anything. Then I start I shiver. "You cold?"
I nod and he helps me out of the bath and wraps a towel around me.
"Thank you"
He walks out and leaves me to get dressed. I change into some comfy clothes, the only things that really fit me at the moment. I make my
Way into the living room and there is Chinese food waiting for me on the table. Ive been craving it like crazy.
"You bought food?"
"Yeah. I know your cravings have been a little crazy right now so...."
"Thank you chris"
We sit down and eat, talking and laughing like we used too. It just feels right with him.

We are lay down on the sofa watching a movie, my feet are in chris lap and he is giving me a foot rub.
"Yes" he looks over at me and laughs when seeing the big cheesy grin I have on my face.
"You want ice cream?"
"Yes please"
He gets up and walks into the kitchen "don't forget....."
Before I have a chance to finish my sentence he is standing In front of me with chocolate brownie ice cream and a jar of pickled onions.
"You know me so well"
"I really do and just a reminder that's such a gross combination"
"Well I don't eat them together"
"Still not the point"
"You can't blame me it's your child's fault"
He laughs and smiles at me "my child...that still sounds so weird"
"I know right"
"Look Chloe, I know it seemed like I didn't want this at first but I really do" he places his hand on my stomach "I love this little one so much and I love you"
I place my hand on his and smile "I know chris and I love you too. We both do."
All of a sudden I feel a horrible pain go from the left side of my stomach to the right...I sit up quickly "aaaaawwwwww"
"Chloe what's wrong?" He is by my side rubbing my back. "I don't know chris. There is a horrible pain in my stomach"
"Okay come on. We are going to hospital"
He picks me up and I look down at the sofa, I see blood "chris I'm bleeding"
"Okay, hey look at me....just breathe okay"
I nod and I feel the tears streaming. He gets me in the car and we drive to the hospital.
The doctor takes me straight to a room for a check and an ultrasound.
"Okay, let's see what's going on" the doctor says to me. I'm holding onto chris so tightly. Praying this baby is okay.
After a while the doctor still hasn't said anything, there is deafening silence until I hear the most beautiful sound in the universe. Our babies heartbeat.
"Your babies are okay. Strong heartbeats"
"Oh thank.....I'm sorry babies?"
"Yes, your carrying twins"
"You didn't know"
I shook my head. "Wow, this hasn't happened before. Your carrying twins, identical from what I can tell. Would you like to know there sex?"
I look at chris "it's up to you"
"Yes please"
"Okay, we'll it looks like your having two girls"
"Yeah. The bleeding can honestly be completely normal but we are going to keep an eye on you and you need to take it easy okay. If your able to work from home please do and no stress okay"
"Okay. Thank you doctor"
He leaves the room so we can have a few minutes. I look at chris and he is still in shock "chris....If you can't deal with this then it's okay....." before I can finish he has cupped my cheeks and he kisses me.
I look up at him and he is crying, I wipe away his tears with my thumb "why are you crying?"
"I'm happy. So happy"
"Yes. Chloe I know I have a lot to prove to you but please come back to me properly. Let us all be a family"
I can't think of anything to say so I just nod. He pulls me in for another passionate kiss.
"Come on let's get home. We have baby shopping to do"
I can't help but laugh at his excitement. Maybe this could work after all. And now there would be two babies, I'm going to need chris so much more. I love him and I can't wait to see how our future is going to go.

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