Chloe is a 25 year old graduate who has been given the opportunity to work for one of the biggest law firms in Boston. She is excited and nervous. It means leaving her home and her friends.
One last hurrah with her friends ends in a one night stand...
It's Chris's birthday in 2 days and I've planned a trip for us, to a little cabin away from everyone and everything just us. He has been so amazing to me these past 6 months. I couldn't imagine my life without him. We met a year ago and I'm so glad we did. Chris doesn't know so I'm telling him tonight, I want it to be a surprise where we going so I got scott to pack his bag and bring it to my house. I walk in from a long day at work and see chris in the kitchen cooking. "Hey baby" "Hey gorgeous" he walks over to kiss me "What are you doing here?" "Well I thought I'd come cook for you, I know you have had a busy week at work and I wanted you to be able to relax" I wrap my arms around him from behind while he cooks "hmmmm that's so sweet. Thank you" I kiss his back "why don't you go and shower and change and dinner will be done soon" I lean up and kiss his cheek "okay" I go to my room, I see roses on the bed and some chocolates. This man is everything. I shower and get into some comfy clothes, I take my roses and chocolates with me and walk into the kitchen, chris is just plating dinner up. "You are just too good to be true" He looks up at me and gives me that gorgeous smile "you like?" "I love. Thank you so much" I pop the flowers and chocolates on the counter and walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a very passionate kiss. We pull away breathless. "I should buy you flowers more often" I giggle. "It's not just the flowers, it's everything you have so amazing. We met a year ago and I'm so unbelievably happy that we did" "Me too baby" he kisses me again. "Chris?" "Yeah?" "I think I'm falling in love with you" he smiles down at me "you think?" I giggle "No, I know I am" "I'm falling in love with you too" He pulls me in for another incredible kiss. I pull away "come on, let's eat. I'm starving" "Please sit" He brings over the food and it's amazing. He has put so much effort into this meal. Once we finish eating, I grab an envelope from the fire place mantel. "Here" I pass it to chris and he looks at me confused. "What's this?" "Open it" He opens it and it's a document explaining we are going away for a long weekend. It just doesn't say where "happy birthday" "Baby, you didn't have to do that" "I know. But I wanted too. Me, you all alone for a whole weekend" "Sounds perfect" He pulls me into his lap and I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you" I can't help but smile "I love you too" He kisses me, the kiss is slow and passionate but quickly turns heated. Next minute I know he is lifting me and walking me to the bedroom. He gently lies me down and kisses every inch of me. "I'm so lucky to have you" "I'm the lucky the one" We spend the entire night lost in each other, I can't believe how much I love this man.
We are driving to our destination and chris has been bugging me all morning asking where we are going. I keep telling him to be patient. When we pull up, he is asleep. We didn't get much sleep last night. I stroke his hair "baby wake up" He opens his eyes and smiles at me "we are here" He looks outside and see a beautiful cabin.
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"Wow! Baby this is beautiful" he looks over at me and pulls me into a kiss. "Wait till you see the inside" we grab our bags and head on in. He is amazed at this place. "How did you organise all this?" "I have friends in high places mr evans" he laughs. He picks me up and spins me around. "I love you" I still can't help but smiling when he says that "I love you too"
We head on up to the room and get changed into our swim suits. There is a hot tub on the balcony of our room. We take our some champagne and some fruit and we sit and relax. The water is amazing and I'm cuddled up to my man. I don't think it could get more perfect. "Thank you for this Chloe" "Your welcome chris" We spend the evening just talking and spending time together. We order food and enjoy the peace and quiet. Before long I see chris starting to fall asleep. "Come on you, let's head to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow" "We do?" "Yep birthday boy" He laughs "what have you got planned?" "Can't tell you. You'll just have to wait and see" We head to the bedroom and change into our pjs. We cuddle up together and fall fast asleep. I couldn't be any happier then I am right now.