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»»————- Author ————-««

As you open the huge doors with a smile, the kids stopped in their tracks and it would've been awkward if this silent staring lasted longer until one kid spoke out, pointing at you, "wow! Pretty lady! Who are you? Are you Mr. SunDrop's girlfriend?"

Your cheeks heated up but you managed to keep it down with a laugh, "No, no, no, I'm not, I'm Y/N, SunDrop's helper." SunDrop seemed to finally get back to his nerves and approached behind you with that smile,

"Hellooo kids!" His hyper persona speaks which kind of confirms your thought of him having to adjust to some multiple personas or maybe he's just as humane as you are.

"Mr. SunDrop!" They all cheered and instantly tackled him with hugs, bringing out laughter from the robot and a smile on your face. As they all stand up from tackling your coworker, the kid who asked you if you were SunDrop's lover pointed at you and asked,

"Mr. SunDrop, who is she? She says her name is Y/N and your helper but I don't believe her! I think she's your girlfriend." The kid implies which in return was agreed with the other kids around him, bringing your cheeks back to bright red.

SunDrop's face heated up and shifted his eyes to you, "N-No, children! She is my coworker! She was just hired yesterday and is now working with me!"

The children seemed disappointed and put their faces down which instantly made SunDrop worry, "Oh, no, no! Don't be sad children! We're gonna be good friends!"

"But we want you to have a girlfriend, Mr. SunDrop." Another kid said with their whiny voice.

You giggle and put a hand on her shoulder, "Well, I'm sure he'd find one quickly, he's a nice guy. Who knows?" You say in order to brighten the kids and pull them off SunDrop's worries. Your eyes met SunDrop's and he instantly felt warmer than the last with his drive in his core heating up as well.

"Really?" The kids turn to you with hopeful looks, you give a reassuring smile,

"I'm sure so. Now, have you all eaten your breakfast?" You changed the topic but it seemed like SunDrop didn't feel like he wanted to change the topic just yet. He just met you yet he can already feel his wires tangle up even more. Maybe it was because you treated him not like the others or maybe there was just a malfunction, nevertheless, SunDrop somehow liked the feeling.

"Yes, Ms. Y/N." The kids replied with a smile. You clasped your hands together,

"That's great! What should we play first?" You start to converse and the kids start rummaging their ideas of their playtime to you while SunDrop simply stares at you. Once the kids decided the first game they would play, they started tagging each other and running off.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 //Yandere! LoveSick! SunDrop/MoonDrop\\Where stories live. Discover now