𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑: Love

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»»————- Author ————-««

The day has seemed to pass by very fast as you enjoy your time with the kids and SunDrop that neither of you have taken notice of the time until the ring alarmed over the speakers, catching all of your attention.

You look over to SunDrop with one of the kids who you now know by the name of Alice on your arms whose hands were full of paint which were the cause of your colorful face. "You can let me down, Ms. Y/N! I wanna see Freddy now! It's time! It's time!"

"Hey, SunDrop? What does that mean?" You ask as you let the little girl down who giggled and walked her little feet to her friends as she waves to you,

"Oh! That alarm, my sunshine, is when the gang performs – You know, Freddy, Monty, Chica, and Roxy! They perform every 4 P.M on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 3 P.M on Monday and Wednesday!"

"Ooh. What about Fridays?"

"They don't perform on Fridays. Anyways, you should open the doors already or are you too tired? I can do it! I can do it!"

You smile and shake your head, "no, don't worry, Sun. But we should clean the kids first – they're all full of paint." You suggest but as you look to the children, they have already been aligned with their hands all cleaned. You look back to SunDrop in disbelief,

"Did they do that on their own?"

"Yeah, I taught them! Good children, right?" SunDrop happily and proudly speaks of himself as his hands start waving around in excitement. You giggle and nod your head,

"I think it's very impressive. C'mon, I'll open the doors." You compliment and move your way to the huge door once again where the children are aligned in a straight line, excitedly waiting for it to be opened.

While SunDrop on the other hand can feel his rays melt just by the simple compliment you gave him. He hasn't heard a lot of compliments coming from anyone but the children, usually when adults talk about him it was either rude comments about his appearance or sarcasm.

And as a robot, he shouldn't have known what sarcasm is but being the most intelligent A.I, he knew almost everything about humans except for the thing he is feeling now for you. How ironic but he really has no clue.

Anyways, hearing praises from you was definitely something he wanted to hear more than once and something inside him made him want to feel like he wants to be complimented by only you. There are times when there are a few parents who are nice enough to say thank you and appreciate his efforts, but it never really got his rays melted nor his system heat.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 //Yandere! LoveSick! SunDrop/MoonDrop\\Where stories live. Discover now