𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄: They Want You

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PLEASE READ!!! Hi, uhm, I'm not sure if you guys have read the description of this story but this is not a lovey dovey softy story :(( sorry, but it's even in my account description that my focus is on Yandere's, I'll put it now though so you won't be confused. And those who aren't into gore and manipulation, you may exit the story :>> I am also on leave without proper wifi, so it's kind of hard for me to upload GIF and pictures and other fonts I usually use.

So if this part and the following episodes (or chapters) are different from my previous ones, they're drafts. I'm also sorry for not uploading almost a week. I just have noticed some readers thinking that this is a soft story, it isn't :(( SunDrop and MoonDrop are lovesick. So yeah, I hope you understand and still enjoy the story!


You raise a brow before answering for a little while, "of course?" You answer in a form of a question since you were confused.

MoonDrop inhales and was about to tighten his grip on your hand but he decides to let it go. Besides, you just met them and it'll only be once they'll see you before he and SunDrop sweeps you away from them.

He doesn't feel like sharing you — it didn't feel good. So starting now he'll make sure they'll be out of the way. That gave him an idea why he felt bitter.

It's not like Glamrocks are in the way, are they? SunDrop and MoonDrop will just have to make sure you'll stay away from them. Right?

"Sunshine, did you have fun with them?" SunDrop asks.

"Yeah? I mean, they were fairly nice really, they didn't make my job harder or anything." You shrug, confused to why they were questioning things like this. But maybe it's because they couldn't go out the daycare that much.

"That's... that's good to hear, Sunshine. New friends!" SunDrop exaggerated as he peaks at your FazWatch again through his system like all the animatronics do. Though he can't deny he felt as bitter as the Moon.

"Just uhm... don't replace us, yeah?" SunDrop nervously assures, he didn't like this feeling. He didn't like the feeling like he didn't trust you. But it's just been 3 weeks you've met the daycare attendants, how can they be so attached to you?

"Of course! — C'mon, SunDrop, did you think I'll replace you because I needed to check up on the Glamrocks?" You ask with a small smile as you Pat SunDrop's cheek just for him to spin his head and heat up.

"We don't exactly have a friend ever. So you got to understand that we want you to stay — and because he's only been with kids, you've got to understand that he doesn't know how to handle these new interactions." MoonDrop speaks and leans to you just for him to rest his head on your chest with his eyes looking at the ceiling.

"And so neither do I, so stay and just... stay with only us, yeah, starlight?" MoonDrop asks then looks up at you with his head still on your chest. He reaches his finger to poke your cheek,

"Of course! Besides, I was only assigned to them last week, I don't think that'll happen again as long as I get to handle you."

SunDrop perks his head and tilt his head into another 360 spin while his face showed more of a confused expression, "are you saying that... if James haven't handled us — we would've been with you last week?"

You shrug, "I guess? But James is a higher up, it's his job."

MoonDrop hums and puts both of his hands on his torso. He wanted to change the topic before SunDrop can drop any more clues on their possessiveness on you.

While SunDrop was more aware of wanting to become humane, MoonDrop was more aware of wanting something he wants to have and that is what he calls 'possessiveness.'

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 //Yandere! LoveSick! SunDrop/MoonDrop\\Where stories live. Discover now