𝐒𝐈𝐗: Shows

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»»————- Author ————-««
"So yeah... I-I hope ya got the instructions, newbie." James says with a smile as he hands you the notebook he took notes for you about handling SunDrop's animatronic build for improvements and check ups which you have to do in a daily, and you took note when James said that SunDrop has to be taken extra care since he has a lanky build and kids love tampering his parts when it's playtime.

You sigh and nod as your eyes read over the messily written notes. Just then the ring alarmed throughout the mall, alerting the workers and the animatronics that you will be starting your work and welcoming customers now.

"Oh! And um... also, Y/N. Before I go, before I was transferred to the gang, I had to stop SunDrop's upgrade midway, but it's nothing that you can't handle. Whatever I write in there, just do it, all of what you need to know is there." James instructed, pointing at the orange notebook.

"Hey Sunny~" You greeted in a hum, not sure if you should feel more excited at the fact that you'll be spending your whole day and afternoon with him. But at least you're sure he would feel happier than he was yesterday.

The yellow robot who was hunched over as if he was talking to himself turned around with that permanent smile and just then, his eyes seemed to glow a bit as he stood up straight at the sight of you and rushed to you.

"Sunshine!" he happily responses back, "you're back! You're back!"

You giggle and nod, dropping off your bag with the notebook in it. "And guess what? I got good news!"

SunDrop gasps and leaned closer, looking such a little puppy who waited for so long for their owner, "Ooh! I like surprises! What is it? What is it?"

"I'm spending the whole shift with you!" You squealed and it took some time for SunDrop to quietly process the news in his system for a while but he happily squealed with you as well.

"And you're spending the night with me too! A sleepover! Ahh!" His laugh echoed through the playground and whooshed your body around as his arms that were called 'lanky' by James pulled you up to the air.

"Whee!" He happily cheers, "I am so happy, Sunshine! I can go all over the world!" He gently puts your feet to the ground, that permanent smile seeming to glow more. Maybe James did a huge upgrade for this buddy, he seemed so shiny.

"So what are we gonna do, huh? What are we gonna do?" SunDrop hastily asks as he dances from side to side,

"Hmm – The daycare wouldn't open until the afternoon right? I mean... that's what my schedule says."

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 //Yandere! LoveSick! SunDrop/MoonDrop\\Where stories live. Discover now