𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍: Infatuation

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Infatuation: an intense passion or admiration for someone or something

Infatuation: an intense passion or admiration for someone or something╔═══════════════╗Eleven╚═══════════════╝

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»»————- Author ————-««
It's been a week. You heard me, it's been a week, more specifically half a week, 10 days. 10 days that you haven't really showed up in the daycare because of your school and your new class for engineering. You arranged this with your boss and showed up for the check ups of the animatronics with the exception of SunDrop and MoonDrop since they're under the hands of James.

You kind of disliked the idea of just checking up on the gang only not because you didn't like them – they were actually very nice to you but it's because you didn't know why you weren't allowed to see SunDrop or MoonDrop but your boss said, "they were getting an upgrade in the meanwhile so it's better off if you start clean than the higher ups like James." which kind of annoyed you,

But you managed. On the other hand, the said animatronic didn't take it too well, not even SunDrop. They didn't manage at all. MoonDrop would be easy enough to understand why he would be unmanageable and a little messy to deal with but SunDrop was unexpected.

James and the others weren't really too glad to separate both MoonDrop and SunDrop now mostly since they were both now acting like beasts ever since your leave, the two couldn't stop asking where you were.

It was only three days they got to know you but that was enough for them to know that you were their favorite.

"Finally..." James sighed as he backs away to see his job done when he examines the two identical animatronics. SunDrop and MoonDrop.

The two were both shut off and it is because of their violent behavior for the past week. Their eyes are dull and dark, no color at all and James preferred it that way so he can be away from any harm. The only thing left to do is to call you.

"I just don't really understand why they like this one girl–it's as if they've been together for years." James snarls while Vanessa simply just stares at the two shut down animatronics. With them powered off, they were so menacing and sad looking, Vanessa almost pitied them.

"Well, if all they like is Y/N, then we can just send her to open them."

"Exactly." James replies.

"Then we will see if they really do like her."
. . . At The Parts and Services. .
"Is this the button?" You asked and looked through the screen to see James giving a thumbs up while Vanessa and some other couple of workers watched you, some with a concerned look, and some with a blank look. They all expected for the animatronics to attack you then and there when you activate them.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 //Yandere! LoveSick! SunDrop/MoonDrop\\Where stories live. Discover now