𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍: MoonDrop

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»»————- Author ————-««You and SunDrop have been watching the k-drama for almost 3 hours straight, it's already 7 pm and yet you are almost at the end of the season

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»»————- Author ————-««
You and SunDrop have been watching the k-drama for almost 3 hours straight, it's already 7 pm and yet you are almost at the end of the season. You two were cuddled up with each other, SunDrop had his arms around your waist with his retracted rays head laid on your neck, quietly watching the show while you had both of your legs tangled up with his.

And throughout the show, you can't help but think that maybe SunDrop was a little too quiet? Sure, you two have recently met but you could tell he was a talker, one who doesn't really seem to fill silence for more than an hour. Even when you watched the show with the children, SunDrop would drop jokes or ask questions to you.

But now he had none as if he was in his head midway watching the show. And you can't help but feel like something was wrong with him. Maybe it was your gut feeling or maybe you were just overthinking, nevertheless, you didn't want to disturb him.

But he reached out for the remote and paused the television just right before the kissing scene which he hasn't caught on yet. You looked at him,

"Sunny? Do you not like the story?"

"No no no, sunshine! I love it!" SunDrop panics, "it's just... I kind of realized something when we were watching."

"Oh, sure, what is it?"

"Look, you-... you're the only person who has been this gentle and sweet with me out of all the staff and parents who have handled me. They either shut me off and be disrespectful at me or... even when the staff are kind, when... when they meet Moon... they run away and never come back." He confessed,

"A-And... Well, this show kind of made me realize that I need to tell you what made them run away rather than hiding from you before you... you run from me too. Like what Mun did to... Taeyang."

You were nervous and a little bit agitated to say the least I guess but it felt so pressuring and so sudden. The way he worded it kind of made you nervous but not scared, in fact, you think it was sweet he learned a thing from this show that made him more humane than he is.

"I... I never had any real friends, sunshine... and as an animatronic, I know I shouldn't say this. I-I'm not programmed to be like this. I'm programmed to take care of kids, but, sunshine... I-I think I have a soul and I... actually enjoy what I do."

"But that–" His words cut off as the lights flicker, catching his attention but you didn't mind it. He looked like he was panicking, he didn't even want to face you as his panic state focused more on the lighting. But then you remember the only rule in the daycare:

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 //Yandere! LoveSick! SunDrop/MoonDrop\\Where stories live. Discover now