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»»————- Author ————-««

"We killed a man... what will Y/N think?" SunDrop asks, his voice so solemn and so quiet. It wasn't usual nor normal for MoonDrop to hear SunDrop like this, even when he's upset, he still tried to maintain that jolly aura he was always programmed to.

Maybe now, SunDrop is indeed following MoonDrop's rebellion against their system. And it's not like SunDrop was unaware of this, oh... he knew. And to him, he felt more human than ever.

"She doesn't have to think of it when she doesn't know, Sunny," MoonDrop assures, patting the alter on his back as his red eyes peers back onto the cut down corpse that has been designed to look like a bloody statue.

If it weren't for them knowing who James was, they wouldn't have figured out who the corpse is since it was so dismantled and disfigured, you can barely recognize the face.

No eyes, mouth agape with blood gurgling in it as if the corpse was a fountain.

MoonDrop faces SunDrop, "what do you think...?"

"I-... I don't know." SunDrop silently admits. It's true, even though he was against hurting anybody at all, he felt... he felt nice, he felt like it was the right thing to do.

"H-he... he tried to hurt us, right?" SunDrop asks, his eyes dropping low as he is unable to look at MoonDrop, "I'm... a monster."

"No, no, no... don't think of it like that, SunDrop." MoonDrop whispers, getting closer to his lookalike. "He really did want to hurt you, he wanted to hurt me — get rid of us. And if he hurt Y/N, who will be there to save her?"

"H-How... how would you even know that?" SunDrop asks, his mind scattered everywhere as his answers leads to nowhere but his feelings led to somewhere he felt secure.

It was insane. SunDrop knew it was wrong. What he did was wrong, he shouldn't have let MoonDrop get his hands on James... but seeing it now, watching it personally in front of him.

He felt at ease.

But still, he knew it was wrong despite how right it felt.

"Brian... oh Brian, was a good man — He'd follow every order, even mine... and sometimes even yours. Until one day, you malfunctioned on him and he... he acted vulgarly."

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 //Yandere! LoveSick! SunDrop/MoonDrop\\Where stories live. Discover now