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Guys! OMG THANK YOU FOR THE FREAKING 3K reads and the 100 votes! I can't believe that I woke up on my birthday to see 55 notifications! What the hell! I'm still out, so the layout is still different but I'll change it soon!


"M-MoonDrop! Y-You shouldn't be out yet!" James cowardly yelped. Oh, why did he have to be in the room alone.

"Oh, I'm hoping that you didn't just forget I'm the security system in the pizzaplex?"

"O-Oh, right — h-hey, is that SunDrop behind you?" James pointed out around the corner of his office.

"You can come out, Sunny." MoonDrop sings out which made his alter come out of the wall and wave a small wave at James. And because of his new design, he looked so innocent with that shy wave.

"Hi, James!" SunDrop giggles and James calms down, he waves back but that didn't stop him rom being intimated by their height and MoonDrop's aura.

"Anyways, I'm assuming you heard my message from earlier?"

James face paled again as his eyes shifted to the Moon, "o-oh... oh! U-Um.. yeah, yeah I did."

MoonDrop eyes around his office and sees his bag along with some of his things packed, "you didn't plan on going like I what I told you not to do?"

"O-oh noo, no, I was just getting ready, that's all!"

"Mhmm, yes. I believe you just so you can do what I told you to since you... again, did your job horrible."

James scoffs, "oh come on, MoonDrop. That design isn't approved! Majority of the higher ups agreed to not give you a mouth — i-if I redesign you, I'll be dead! I'll get fired. I won't be able to have a home."

"As if you had one to begin with." MoonDrop mumbles and laughs as if whatever James said was just a mere joke that amused MoonDrop.

MoonDrop leans in, his eyes glowing red, "if you follow what I told you, I assure you. You will be dead. — and this is your last chance before a drop of my patience is gone."

"You're even lucky that I gave you such chances!" MoonDrop dramatically gasps and leans away yet his eyes were still glowing violently red. MoonDrop then faces SunDrop, "but then again, you're the only one who can do the job anyways."

SunDrop, just like James, felt a agitated by the blue animatronic who looked back at James with it's head spinning into a 360, "what is he gonna do, MoonDrop...?" SunDrop points out.

"Oh! He will make your wish come true. And he will make my wish come true too."

"Right, James?" MoonDrop whispers.

"Ah! That feels so much better. I'm glad you didn't shut us down like last time, James. You must've learned your lesson, hm?" MoonDrop chuckles as his lips starts to move in sync with his words rather than his permanent smile.

James chose to be silent as he turned around to fix the tools he has used and the disregarded parts of the animatronic.

MoonDrop faced SunDrop, "How about you, Sunny? What do you feel?"

SunDrop remained silent as well before his hands reached up to his face with his lips moving. It felt so new, it felt so real, it felt so different. But it was the kind of different he wanted.

He looked at MoonDrop and shone a pearly white smile that MoonDrop had.

SunDrop tackled MoonDrop with a big tight hug as laughter filled the room while James shivers on his feet.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 //Yandere! LoveSick! SunDrop/MoonDrop\\Where stories live. Discover now