Dad, Xavier, and Raul

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Kenneth quickly lead me to the nearest bathroom where he scared a few old ladies and helped me wash my face and mouth.

After he'd revealed that the island was waiting for me. I'd doubled over and threw up all of my breakfast.

It was really embarrassing to tell the receptionist what happened and the smell didn't help anything.

"Sorry." I told Kenneth in the car.

"For what?" he asked confused.

I shrugged though he couldn't see it. "I ruined your day."

He laughed. "No you didn't. Are you crazy? You're a princess!"

I shook my head still confused, and upset. "I'm not a princess." I grumbled. "Its not unlikely that someone else in the world has my name " I said. I still didn't even really believe the islands existed. 

"But Aaliy-"

"Shut up Kenneth!" I snapped. I turned to face him. "In what world does that even make sense? If I were a princess, why am I here? Why isn't my father king? Its all in your head.. Those islands are a myth. They're just a fun place to talk about and read about in a museum."

Kenneth frowned at me, then turned back to the road. "I know it's you." He said stubbornly.

"My father..."

"I thought you said he was obsessed with the islands. It all makes sense now."

"Then why isn't he there?" I repeated. Why wouldn't he go save my so-called mother. "My mother is dead." I whispered. 

Kenneth didn't have an answer for me.

The stepmother was in the living room when I got home.

"I called the school." She said in that nasally voice I hated so much.

"I'm sure you did." I retorted. I wasn't in the mood and I really needed to speak to my father.

Kenneth entered behind me and she narrowed her eyes.

"There was no trip today."

"Yeah, so?" I tried to escape to the kitchen, I knew she wouldn't let us in my room together.

"You lied. I can't imagine how many other trips you lied about." She continued.

"All of them." I informed her. She gaped at me like a fish.

I grabbed Kenneth's hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

"Hold up young lady, don't forget who's in charge of the mail."

I stopped and stood in front of her.

"Fine. Do what you want. I don't care. Take my scholarship. I don't need you to rule my life. I'm not gonna let you. You're not my mother." I spat.

She smirked at me. "Your mother is dead."

I was blind. I didn't even know I slapped her until I heard her scream. The scream sent adrenaline racing through my veins. I tackled her, slapping and scratching her face as she tried to cover herself.

Kenneth took his time pulling me away.

More screeches filled the air as her brats raced down the stairs.

"What did you do to my mother?!" Ailyn shouted.

I ignored them and pulled Kenneth out of the house. I didn't want to wait for my father anymore. I called his cell phone.

"Dad. We need to talk. Now."

"What's wrong honey?"

My voice was thick when I responded. "Just meet me at Grandma's." I told him.

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