You brought my father

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I looked to the side and there he was. He looked amazing. He was so handsome it hurt.

I smiled tentatively. His responding grin was dazzling.

He stepped out onto the balcony and stood beside me.

"Ezekiel Dean-Gray Emmanuel, the floor is yours." Hans announced.

Ezekiel turned to me smiling. It all felt so surreal. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"You know there's no pretending for me right?" he asked me quietly so no one else would hear.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

He ignored my question and began.
"Aaliyah, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met, inside and out. I hate that I hurt you and I beat myself up for it every single day."
Ezekiel said all this loud enough for the crowd to hear.

"I'd love to hear your smart mouth and witty humor every single day if you'd let me." He smirked. "You're just like your father." He finished.

I furrowed my eyebrows. It was like he was trying to tell me something.

And then there was a loud crash. We both turned to find the source of the noise, though Ezekiel already knew where it was coming from.

"You brought my father." I said.

He smiled at me and shrugged. "I thought I'd be your knight in shining armor...and then maybe you'd forgive me." He told me.

I gave him a small smile. "I've already forgiven you." I informed him. I reached up using his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek just as there was another crash and more explosions.

Just then I was pulled away and a cloth came over my face. My attacker lifted me and threw me over his shoulder, then took off running.

I kicked and screamed trying to get thrown off but he was too strong.

My attacker laughed and I knew it was Hans. He was gonna use me to make the fighters stop. There was no way my father would let him hurt me.

I almost laughed aloud as I realized that Hans had forgotten something. He didn't have the brains of his sons who had wisely knocked me out.

"Hey Hans." I began trying to be heard through the cloth still over my head.

"Why am I still conscious?" I asked him.

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

I ignored his question and pulled back my elbow preparing for an angry blow. Then I pushed back as hard as I could.

Hans let out a loud cry touching the back of his head and dropped me.

I quickly released my head from the cloth and proceeded to kick him repeatedly in the stomach.

He seemed to not feel it and lurched to his feet. It was time to put my training into action.

I prayed that the karate lessons didn't go to waste. Hans lunged at me and I sidestepped him taking his leg and landing him in the floor.

We went on for a while. I didn't know how much time passed, I just kept on blocking his arms and legs and trying to get my own hits in.

After a while I could tell he was getting tired though I was still feeling very active. I took advantage and advanced on him pushing him into a wall where he collapsed to the floor where I kicked him until he was coughing up blood.

I didn't even hear what was going on outside. Maids were running around screaming but we both ignored them. I kicked him again then aimed for his face.

"Wait!" He shouted putting his hand out but I ignored him and grabbed his collar. I threw him across the floor. I had no idea where the strength was coming from but I didn't question it.

"Aaliyah!" I also ignored whoever was calling me and kicked Hans again. Then I stooped to his level sprawled on the ground and held him down by his collar.

"You imprisoned mother. You don't care about the people on this island and you definitely don't love your son. Why should I let you live? You're a terrible leader anyways." I hissed.

His eyes widened. "Please." He pleaded. "I'll give you anything."


I turned to see my father behind me with Alex, Mama Lily and Ezekiel. A few soldiers stood behind them.

"We'll take it from h-"

Suddenly his eyes widened then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. A shot rang through the air but I payed it no attention as my gaze dropped to my lower stomach.

People swarmed around me. I saw blurs of faces. All I could was grip the dagger that now protruded from my body.

"Aaliyah. Can you hear me?" My father asked.

"Of course." I wheezed. "I've been stabbed. I'm not deaf."

Alex laughed but stopped when Mama Lily shot him a look.

I smiled at Alex. "I missed you so much."

I felt somebody gently push me down and pull my shirt up through the dagger.

"I'm gonna pull it out now." My father informed me.

My eyes widened.

"I have to."

I nodded my head, cringing. Somebody took my hand. I looked over to see that it was Ezekiel.

He squeezed my fingers reassuringly.

Suddenly I realized something. I looked over to where Hans had been.

Blood seeped from right underneath his chest. His face was drawn and pale.

It was over.

"I'm gonna go get your mother." Dad announced, taking the dagger with him. I hadn't even noticed him remove it. I smiled at him then winced when a paramedic began cleaning my wound then wrapping gauze around my abdomen.

"You're all good to go." she said a few minutes later. "It didn't go too deep."

I nodded and Alex helped me to my feet. I threw my arms around his neck burying my face in his collarbone. Tears were welling in my eyes and when he spoke they poured down my face.

"I was so scared, I came back as fast as I could but..." Alex slowly pulled away from me as if realizing something.

His head turned to face Ezekiel.

Before I could stop him, they were rolling on the ground fighting.

"Stop it Alex!" I shouted. I looked at the soldiers for help. One of them stepped in and began pulling them apart.

Alex gave me an incredulous look. "What about Kenneth?" He asked.

"Ezekiel helped us." I tried to reason.

"So, if he had killed me to, I can only imagine how long you would care." Alex said giving me a dirty look.

"No." I said feeling hurt. "It's not like that..." but he was already gone.

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