Nightly Escapades

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Because of my behavior the previous day, my mother was no longer in favor of seeing the Royal Wedding through.

I was ecstatic as I was nowhere near ready to run the island.

Another consequence of my behavior was one on one time with the one and only.

My mother.

And as if I didn't have enough problems, my father would be gone for a whole month to do some investigations overseas.

I felt immensely alone. My father was gone, Ezekiel and even Alex. I had no idea what happened to Alex, and Ezekiel seemed to want nothing to do with me.

I'd decided that if I wanted company I would have to go out. I stowed off to my room and scavenged through all my closets for something simple to wear.

I cried out in frustration when I'd gone through all of my trunks and closets and came up with nothing.

Gia was my only hope, so I trailed down the hallway and knocked on her door. Gia opened it looking a bit disgruntled. She smiled when she saw me.

"Hey," I began. "Do you have any," I looked down at myself. "Anything that doesn't stand out?" I asked.

Gia frowned slightly and my eyes widened. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, it's just...all my normal clothing got left behind in the states and I need something that isn't bright and...big." I explained.

Gia smiled and nodded beckoning me inside. "Why so late?" She asked. "Everyone's going to bed."

"Don't tell anyone but...I'm going out." I informed her quietly.

Her eyes widened. "Why?"

I shrugged, not in the mood to explain my problems to her. She handed my a long sleeved grey shirt and black pants.

I grinned. "This is perfect thanks."

I hurried out the room to put the clothes on. I was excited to finally get out.

Once I was dressed, I tiptoed down the hallway making sure to watch out for anyone passing by. The guards didn't recognize me and allowed me to simply walk out the door.

I smiled to myself, happy that I'd snuck out. I had no idea what to do with my freedom so I just walked in the direction of the city.

Once I was past the trees I could see lights, happiness filled me that I hadn't felt in a while. I was excited. Optimistic.

The pub that I entered was packed and loud like the clubs back home. The air was smoky and colored.

"Can I get a beer?" I asked at the bar.

The bartender didn't even look at me as if he slid me a drink.

"How old are you?" A raunchy guy next to me said giving me a once over.

I gave him the same look back. "Old enough." I replied smirking at him.


I continued to go back to the pub. Sometimes I joined my new friends to go to a different one or some kind of party.

I wore lots of make up and kept my hair down to disguise myself.

In the week I began my escapes I made four friends. The two guards who now knew I was the princess and allowed me to leave and return every night. Kale and Tym.

Then there were Sean and Kaela who I met at the pub my second night there.

"So, mysterious one." Sean said sliding me a drink. "Where do you come from?" He asked me.

"The beyond." I responded throwing my hands out.

He chuckled.

"Come on." Kaela urged. "We've never seen you before and now you've just appeared out of nowhere."

I shrugged. "So what's the plan tonight?" I changed the subject.

Karla's eyes lit up. "A friend of mine is having a celebration party tonight. She's all happy because her life is great and she's terribly rich so she always finds an excuse to throw a party."

Kaelas excitement rubbed off on me. "Sounds great." I agreed.

She gave my outfit a horrified look. "You absolutely cannot go like that. She'll eat you alive. That woman lives for action. Even pregnant, she dresses for the runway."

I froze. "Did you say pregnant?" I asked.

Kaela nodded. "I know right? If I were pregnant I would be hitting the sack, not throwing a party."

"What's her name?" I asked

Kaela gave me a questioning look.

"What's her name Kaela?" I demanded.


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