You are a monster

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I didn't see Ezekiel when I got home later. I was worried because he seemed to be distressed but I had no idea where he house was or if he was even there still.

I spent the day confined in a room where I was studying the islands geography and people.

It was really actually very interesting.

My tutor was my father who seemed sad about his new job but I was too greedy to let him go back to his regular job. It was much too dangerous and I needed him here.

"Good work today." he complimented as we cleaned up.

"Dad?" I began.

He looked up and raised his eyebrows.

"Do you want to go back?" I asked quietly.

He sighed and placed the stack of books he was sorting down. "Aaliyah," he took off his glasses. "I do miss the program terribly. urging me to remain here was like a...a wake up call. You called me into retirement which I've been avoiding for years. I enjoy the time I get to spend with you and wouldn't trade it for the world."

I beamed at my father and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. "One more thing." I murmured.

"What's that?"

"What do you think about Ezekiel?" I asked tentatively.

He looked at me fondly. "You love him don't you?"

I nodded.

"And he loves you. He treats you well."

I nodded again.

"Well then follow your heart." He concluded.

The wedding ceremony would take place in one month.

The palace was alight with people scurrying around in preparation.

Decorations were being delivered all week along with other giant boxes.

Every morning before dawn, I was being stuffed into a room with Ezekiel. My father taught us everything we needed to know about everything that ever happened on the island.

My moth-Solveig wasn't talking to me. I didn't mind but my father seemed worried. He wanted us to be on speaking terms since I was getting married. I, on the other hand, couldn't care less.

After our little dispute, Ezekiel had come to me with Cheenies to make up for his behavior and us missing dinner.

We'd sat on the balcony outside my room and stuffed ourselves. He talked about his mother the whole time. It seemed to help him.

He asked me if I wanted to talk about Kenneth, but I told him I didn't. It was much too soon.

I was scheduled for a dress fitting later that afternoon which Ezekiel found hilarious.

He refused to tell me why, he went red in the face with laughter every time I mentioned it.

Irritated, I went to find Gia so we could leave.

"Who do we see for dress fittings?" I asked her.

"Her names Natilarosa. Queens have been going to her since the beginning of time." Gia explained.

"I know." I replied. My father had explained in his lessons how the island hadn't let her go yet. "Literally. So it's true that she never dies?"

Gia shrugged. "Apparently. The island must seem to like her. It does that sometimes."

I rubbed my head in confusion. "Everyone always talking about the island like it's a living breathing thing really confuses me."

"Well when you've lived here a long time. That's how it feels." She replied.

She grabbed her bag and I followed her out the door.

Natilarosa lived on the mountain that Ezekiel had taken me to.

I had no choice but to climb it this time.

Ezekiel was was waiting leaning against the car outside.

He was playing with a little black box in his hands. When he heard us approach, he held it up.

"I got a" Ezekiel said looking at the foreign object as if it would explode.

I laughed. "For what?"

He grinned. "So I can catch your face when you climb that mountain." He explained.

I scoffed and placed my hands on my hips. "You think I can't handle it. My father prepared me well. Don't forget whose a black belt in karate."

Ezekiel didn't look like he believed me. "If you say so." He replied slowly.

I glared at him and marched to the car. "Fine." She barked. "Get in. I'm racing you."

Ezekiel grinned at me and took the seat next to me while Gia drove.

He immediately turned to me and began kissing my neck.

I scooted onto his lap to give him better access.

"Hey, hey." Gia said from the front. "No funny business. I don't want to hear any of that." She complained.

Ezekiel ignored her as his lips claimed mine and he gently held my face, slowly tightening his grip.

I held onto his shoulders, clawing them when he deepened the kiss.

Suddenly the car abruptly stopped. Ezekiel still held onto me, either oblivious or uncaring.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Gia exclaimed throwing our door open. I broke away from Ezekiel, prying his hands off of me. "What's wrong?" I asked looking outside.

We were on the side of street but nothing looked out of the ordinary.

"Ezekiel. Out."

"What? Why?" He questioned.

"Just drive." She ordered going him the keys.

Ezekiel huffed and placed one more kiss on my lips before getting out of the car.

"No funny business you two." He told us starting the car.

I rolled my eyes. "We'll try to behave ourselves." I promised sarcastically.

I played on my phone until we pulled up in front of the mountain.

I smirked at Ezekiel when we reached the bottom. "Are you ready?" I asked.

He scoffed. "I was born ready."

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Oh just go already!" Gia exclaimed annoyed.

Ezekiel took off and I laughed, leisurely jogging up the staircase.

"What are you doing?" Gia asked coming up beside me. "I thought you were racing."

"Slow and steady wins the race." Was all I told her, picking up my pace a bit.

As Ezekiel neared the top of the mountain, I slowly sped up and within minutes, I had surpassed him.

I sent a smirk over my shoulder but didn't turn to see his face. Putting on a burst of speed, I launched myself the rest of the way up the mountain.

I laughed when I turned to see his reaction. While I was erect and ready to go, Ezekiel was huffing and out of breath as he jumped the last few stairs.

"You." He breathed. "Are a monster."

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