"I pushed him over"

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When I woke up some time later, it was pitch black.

I knew I was outside because I could smell leaves and hear the soft chatter of the wildlife.

I slowly sat up clutching my throbbing head.

I squinted trying to adjust my eyes to the low lighting, scanning my surroundings till my eyes fell on a body outline by the light from the moon.

"Why'd you have to knock me out?" I asked Ezekiel irritated.

"You were in emotional distress." I heard him reply.

"You killed my boyfriend." I retorted.

Then as the realization dawned on me, yet again, I lashed out. I could barely see him but I felt my nails dig into skin as I fought him. We rolled around the forest floor.

"Get. Off." He hissed.

"You. First." I retorted giving him a good kick to the chin.

He hissed and threw me off of him. I immediately retaliated and threw him down to the ground.

I straddled him and pinned his arms down.

"Where are-"

I was cut off by a knife at my throat. I knew it was a knife because of the cold metal.

"Stand up very slowly." The voice whispered threateningly.

I almost cried as I immediately recognized it.

"Blu." I breathed.

"That's my name." She turned me to face her. She was smirking. "Don't wear it out." She looked over my shoulder at Ezekiel.

The ground was now lit by lamps.

I could see a small tent and random tools spread out on the ground.

"I'm leaving." She informed him still holding the knife at my throat. She spoke to Ezekiel as if I wasn't even there.

"Leaving?" he repeated. "Where?"

She smiled in triumph. "I just got a job offer. I'm going to California!"

He gave her an incredulous look.
"No way. What about us?"

She shrugged. "I'm going to Hollywood. I'm sure I'll forget all about us. As for you..." she cocked her head to the side. "Well, it was nice knowing you."

She pushed me towards him. He caught me and held my hands tightly behind my back.

He was still gaping at her.

"I can't believe you Blu." I finally said.

She scoffed. "You can't believe me?!"

She stepped towards me.

"You've been royalty this whole time and didn't even tell me! I saw you in that stupid magazine. Ezekiel was there that day. He'd been visiting all the museums that displayed Solveige, he got lucky because I told him I knew you. I didn't know what he wanted with you and he was really cute, so naturally I did what he wanted." She said shrugging.

"I'd call it perfect timing, but that's rude...you know since their talking about killing you, but don't worry you're in good hands."

She stooped down and picked up her bag.

Blu frowned. "I am really sorry Aaliyah." She said Somewhat sincerely. She looked over my head.  "Ezekiel." And with that she left.

I stared after her. She'd been the one on the inside who told about our impending departure. If she hadn't told we would have been gone.

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