Sick and Tired

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There was no light or recognition. It was as if he were an entire different person.

My mind clouded with thoughts of rejection. Then he just turned away. I gasped loudly.

"What's wrong?" Kaela asked worried. She was dragging me deeper into the party. I could see a cute guy eying her who I guessed was her mystery man.
I gently pulled away.

"I-I have to go." I said suddenly.

She frowned. "Aali-"

"You'll be busy anyways. I just don't feel good."

"Don't let Ivory get to you. She's just-"

"Yeah, I know. A raging witch." I finished. "I'll see you later." I said turning to the door.

I wouldn't though. I was going home. I didn't belong out here. I would order the queen to find me a husband. And I would get married by the end of the week.

It was over.


It didn't take long for Solveig to meet my demands.

When I woke up the next morning, Gia was in my room grinning at me like a madman.

"What? What?" I asked sitting up.

"There's someone waiting for you in the throne room." She informed me.

I raised my eyebrows at her. She nodded enthusiastically and pulled me up.

"Shower. Shower. Let's go."

Gia was my troop master for the morning. I had to shower, shave, shower again, then we gave my hair a trim and re-dying.

After that, I picked out a dress and Gia did my makeup.

"You look stunning." She complemented.

"So, is he cute?" I asked her.

She fanned herself rolling her eyes. "Cute?" She repeated. "He's hot."

I grinned. "Let's go see." I followed her out the room.

Once outside the throne room I stopped and Gia checked my hair and make up. I couldn't go in though.

"What is it?" Gia asked me.

I sighed. "It's just...if I do this, I'm tuning my back on Ezekiel." I explained.

"But you said he ignored you at the party." Gia reminded me. I had told her about my nighttime escapades.

She'd been kind of ticked that I hadn't taken her but eventually got over it.

"He did. But...I really love him. Like really, really love him." I confessed.

Gia shook her head. "Not after today." She took my shoulders and and turned me to the door.

The guard opened it and then I couldn't turn back.

My mother smiled when she saw me. I knew it was fake for the sake of company so I gave her a fake smile back.

She stood and extended her hand. "My daughter, Princess Aaliyah Anastashia Grace." She announced.

I took my spot next to her in the smaller throne.

"This, dear, is Prince Elliot Montgomery of Akekima."

I smiled. I remembered Kenneth mentioning Akekima in the museum.

"A pleasure to meet you." I said.
Solveig gave me a strange sideways look. I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"My princess, you are as beautiful as they say." He began. I couldn't help staring at him. He really was handsome.

He ascended the steps and kneeled in front of me taking my hand.

I had never moved so fast in a relationship in my life.


We were due to meet with the wedding planners in five minutes.

Prince Elliot was absolutely amazing. He was funny and kind, and even...charming.

"So how was Natilarosa?" Elliot asked me. "She's a legend. Mostly ever island knows of her."

I groaned. "Fan. Tastic. She has lots of...character."

He laughed. His laugh was loud and echoed around the room as if it were surround sound.

"Last time I heard of her was when a good friend of mine was getting married. She angered Natilarosa so much that when it was time for the wedding, the crazy woman filled the dress with itching powder and claimed it was an accident. The poor bride was dancing all the way down the aisle. It was a sight." He said chuckling.

I smiled. "So you've been here before?" I asked.

He nodded. "But what I really want to know is, what's it like in the states?"

I frowned looking down at my hands. Thinking of the states made me think of my life when it had been normal.

I wished that I had never allowed Kenneth to take me to the museum. I should have insisted that I didn't like them.

I didn't realize that I was crying until Elliot touched my face.

His fingers gently grazed my cheek. I stared into his bright blue eyes as he leaned forward. "Do you think we should practice for the wedding?" He whispered.

I barely nodded before his lips were on mine. Kissing Elliot was sweet, he was gentle and it was nice but he wasn't Ezekiel.

After a while though, I began to enjoy the feel of his lips on mine and began to kiss back.

I ran my fingers through his long hair and down his back.
Elliot pulled me onto his lap by my waist, holding me against him.
He ran his tongue along my lips, smoothly transforming from gentle to aggressive. He didn't explore my mouth yet though. Giving my lip one more small bite, he pulled away.

We stared at each other breathing hard. I caressed his face. "Wow." I whispered. "That was the best first kiss I've ever had." I said.

His face split into a grin and he kissed me again.

"Okay. Okay. I let the first one slide, but I'm afraid I'm running on a tight schedule." A voice interrupted.

I immediately jumped off of Elliot's lap and dropped into the chair next to him blushing furiously.

A short, stubby man waddled into the room. "Now. I've been told you want the theme to be treasure?" He asked getting straight to business.

"Yes." Elliot replied. "Like a beach. We want the tables decorated with sand then we want rubies and diamonds and other gems resting in the sand."

"Yes. Yes." The man said. "I-"

"Wait." I interrupted. "I am sick and tired of you islanders being so rude and all this talk of business. We are all humans we can still get to know each other and get things done at the same time. Now tell us your name and something about yourself."

Elliot and the wedding planner sat staring at me as if I'd grown an extra head.

I raised my eyebrows at him. He huffed and clasped his fingers together. "My name is Edmund and I live with my wife and ten kids in a forest behind this palace."

I smiled. "Was that so hard?"

He sucked in his cheeks. "Okay. As I was saying. That's a great idea I'm also going to add small treasure chests on the table and larger ones around the room...

We continued on with the plans, going back and forth and up and down until we were all satisfied.

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