"I'm a convict."

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Alex was right. As I wandered around greeting my guests, I couldn't miss the dirty, confused looks they were giving me.

I even heard some of them whispering to each other about what type I princess I was.

When mother introduced me to one of her good friends, Lord and Lady Myrtle, they'd forced smiles and mildly complemented me.

"She's...pretty." Lady Myrtle had said.

"And such long hair." Added Lord Myrtle.

I tried not to think about it until I heard one particular conversation. A group of young girls who were probably the daughters of some of the Lords attending the ball, were gossiping in a corner. I knew they were speaking loud enough for me to hear them because I'd done it before myself.

"I can't believe they're letting that into the palace." One said.

"I know right?" someone agreed. "She's a nobody. There's no way she can be Queen. She's not even pretty."

They giggled. "Look at her rags. She must be sharing a closet with one of the maids."

"Did you hear that she killed Hans? She's a dirty murderer."

"That's probably the only things she's good at anyways. I heard she knows karate. Sounds like something manly."

They dissolved into another fit of giggles and I felt my face get hot. Not because they were making fun of me but because they were right.

I quickly hid my face and discreetly fled from the room.

They were all right. I didn't even belong here. I was a stranger to this island. I couldn't possibly expect them to accept me so readily.

I blindly ran through the palace avoiding any place that would lead me further inside.

Finally after many failed attempts, I found a door that lead outside.

I knew immediately that I wasn't outside. I was still in the palace. Probably an inner garden or something.

I made my way through the trees, pushing away the thick branches. It was still bright and sunny outside which was weird because I was use to going to parties at night.

Even though this wasn't a party. Or even a formal gathering. It was a ball. I'd never been to a ball in my life. Neither had Gia and she'd done perfectly fine.

I sighed and stared at the sky for a while. I wondered what it would be like to fly. Be a free spirit. Or just a bird. A simple bird.

"Looking for a miracle?" a voice asked.

I didn't turn around. I already knew who it was.

"No. Just imagining myself as a bird."

"Birds have problems too." He responded as if reading my mind.

I turned to him then. "You always know what to say."

He stepped forward. "You look very pretty." Ezekiel told me.

I blushed and looked away. "That's not what everyone else thinks." I mumbled.

"Is that why you're out here?" He asked.

I didn't answer.

Ezekiel sighed and lifted my chin up with his fingers. "Don't you see Aaliyah?" he began. "You're different. You can change us. We need a change and you're the key."

I frowned. "But what if nobody likes it?"

Ezekiel scoffed. "Are you kidding me? You can make them love it. You're a princess. Act like it. I know you've seen enough movies. Stick your chin in the air and smile. Everything will be fine." He assured me.

I giggled. "That was a good speech." I complemented.

He stood taller. "I know." He said making his voice deeper.

I laughed and slapped his arm.

"So, do you get to be a Lord?" I asked him.

He shook his head and began to walk. I hurried after him.

"Why not?"

Ezekiel looked at me sadly not answering.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I demanded squeezing his arm.

His eyes teared up and he sat down on a nearby bench.

"There's an island a few miles away. It's really close to here. And...Solveig, your mother, she sends all the convicts there."

I frowned. "So? What's that have to do with anything?"

He turned to me and squeezed my shoulders urgently. "Aaliyah. I'm a convict."

My eyes widened. "No! I told them you could work in the palace!"

He shook his head. "Word got out about it and people began to protest. They didn't think it was fair that I got an exception when they had family in jail."

Tears rolled down my cheeks. "But you can't go there."

He gave me a small smile. "Allendale isn't so bad." He assured me shrugging though his face was tight.

"I won't let them take you."

"You can't do anything. Solveig has made up her mind. She's also doing it so I don't get associated with you. You're a princess. You're not supposed to be with a criminal like myself."

I laid my head on his shoulder. "You're not a criminal." I whispered.

"How long will you be gone?" I asked.

"Five years."

I inhaled sharply and picked up my head taking his face in my hands. "I'll miss you though." I pointed out.

We were getting closer to each other.

"I'll miss you more."

Before our lips could touch there was the sound of people approaching. Lots of people.

"Aaliyah! There you are!" my mother exclaimed. There were a bunch of guards behind her.

I stood and blocked Ezekiel's body. "Please don't do this mother."

She frowned at me. "Aaliyah." She hissed giving me a look.

"Mother." I retorted.

She cocked her head and the guards moved in.

"No!" I screeched.

"Please! I love him!"

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