"I'm going back."

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I slapped my hand over my mouth in shock.

Everyone just froze and stared at me. Then the last person I expected to be present pushed his way through the guards.

"You love him?" He asked.

I couldn't back down now. "Yes Kenneth. I do. And you shouldn't worry about it since you don't love me anymore anyways." I retorted.

Ezekiel stood in front of me. "You really do?" He said.

I nodded smiling at him.

He grinned back and then he leaned down and kissed me as if no one else were around.

I leaned into him and let him explore me as he kissed me, pulling gently on my hair.

Then it was over as Ezekiel was pulled away. I scowled at my mother who looked livid.

"Are you trying to bring the whole palace down on us? People will not accept this. This, ends now. Take him away." She ordered.

"No! I'll go with him." I interjected.
My mother turned and gave me such as oppressing look I stepped back and looked away.

I turned my attention to Ezekiel and smiled at him. To give him a happy last image of me.

But instead of looking at me, he ducked his head and allowed himself to be carried away.

Furious, I pushed past my mother and Kenneth, and stormed back inside the palace.

I avoided everyone as I ran to my rooms and threw myself on my bed.

It didn't last long, the door was thrown open and none other than my mother came inside.

"We've arranged for you to marry Kenneth." She said without preamble.

I shot up. Normally this news would have made me happy, but I was no longer normal, and Kenneth no longer loved me.

"No! No more arranged marriages."

I jumped off the bed. "I'm leaving." I announced searching for a bag.

"Where are you going?" she demanded.

"Far from here." I spat. "I'm going back to the states."


She didn't believe me. My mother just scoffed and left the room. I didn't care. I wasn't joking. There wasn't much that I wanted or needed from the palace so I just changed into a clean shirt and pants before leaving.

The halls were mostly empty when I stepped out of my room. Except for one person.

Alex was leaning on the wall outside my door.

"So, I stay with you. And this is how you repay me." He starts.

I begin walking down the hallway. "I don't belong here Alex. And everyone knows it."

"You can make yourself belong."

"Tried that."

"Not hard enough." He retorted. "You're giving up too easily. These people need someone like you to tell them what to do."

"I don't lead."

Alex took bigger steps until he was in front of me, blocking my way. "You are too important to me for me to let you turn your back on this island. I know what you're capable of. You can do so much more. You've never turned your back on anything in your life. Not even Ezekiel and he killed Kenneth. You're better than this. So much better. Stay and make things right here. I know you can."

I didn't say anything for a while. I just stared at him in awe.

He frowned. "Was it too much? Cause I just kind of winged it. I-"

I threw myself into him squeezing the life out of him.

"Alex. You. Are. The. Best." I said.

I felt his body shake as he laughed and hugged me back. "Well, yeah." He responded cockily.

I gave him one last squeeze before letting go.

"What first?" I asked.

"We need to find you a king." He replied.

"No." I said without hesitation. "I don't need one."

He sighed. "Aaliyah. Your mother was only queen because your father died. You need a king."

I groaned and turned away from him making my way to the throne room to speak to the one and only.

The throne room was full. "I'm not marrying you." I told Kenneth as soon as I entered.

He rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. I scoffed, questioning why I ever liked him.

"Aaliyah. I thought you were leaving." My mother said.

"I decided you guys need me." I said giving Alex a sideways smirk.

He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Well that's good. We've called off the wedding and Kenneth and your father will be returning home as planned."

"Of course." I said scoffing. "I wasn't going through with it anyways. I thought we went over this."

At first I had been ecstatic to meet my mother but now I've discovered she was too much like myself. Domineering and used to getting what she wanted.

"You will change those awful clothes. Put on a dress and act like your royalty or nobody will treat you like you are." She ordered.

I glared at her. "Fine." I snapped, sharply turning on my heel.

I stopped at the door and gave my father a tight hug. He squeezed me. "I'll miss you so much." He gushed.

I forced back my tears.

"I'll miss you too."

"Find the largest church in the island at midnight." He whispered in my ear.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you." My father told me, kissing my cheek.

I gave him a confused look but he just smiled and waved me away.

I left the throne room in search of Gia. The maids directed me to her quarters and I knocked gently on the door.

She opened it with a surprised look on her face. "What's the occasion?" she asked.

I blushed and looked down. "I just...ummm, need some help."


The dress felt extremely heavy. I couldn't imagine wearing one all day everyday.

The room Gia took me to was full of dresses, dresses and more dresses. Enough for 365 days a year.

There were all kinds of colors, patterns and designs. I'd quickly picked the most simple one I saw. Which wasn't even plain enough.

It was a solid pale yellow with gold and black sashes. It flowed down to the soles of my feet and flared out every which way.

"Thanks Gia." I said not very enthusiastically.

"No problem. You look gorgeous."

"That's the idea." I said shrugging. It would take some time getting used to.

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