Secret Affair?

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Once again, I was being presented with something that shouldn't have been happening. But I went with it anyways.

"Ezekiel!" I cried rushing to him. I threw my arms around him burying my face into his chest.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in wonder looking up at him.

Instead of answering me he leaned down and claimed my lips.

I forgot where we were for a second. His lips were so familiar and tender, I slid my hands up to wrap around his neck as he pulled me closer.

Before we could get too drastic though, Alex cleared his throat.

I quickly pulled away blushing furiously.

"Ezekiel. How...Did you escape?" I asked him once I recovered.

He shook his head smiling. "Your father did it. I don't know how but he did." Ezekiel replied shrugging.

I squeezed him tight. "I'm so glad he did. But what are we gonna do?"

"I'm buying a house here. Can't you come visit me?"

"Hold up." Alex interrupted. "Are you telling me you're trying to persuade the Princess to have a secret affair with you?" He asked incredulously.

Ezekiel glared at him. "I'm not trying to do anything. And I'd never make Aaliyah do anything she didn't want to do."

Alex stepped forward looking very threatening. "Oh yeah? So she just wanted to be kidnapped?!" He thundered.

I stepped forward. "Hey! Stop it!" I yelled. Then I lowered my voice. "It's not an affair. I love Ezekiel. We may have started on the...wrong foot, but that's behind us now. Everyone needs to understand that." I tried to explain. "I would step down just to be with him."

The look on Alex's face said he didn't get it.

I approached him. "Alex, please...just don't tell anyone. Promise?" I asked.

He looked at me sadly. "Why couldn't it have been me?" He asked quietly so that Ezekiel couldn't hear.

I touched his arm. "There's somebody out there for you. I know there is. You just need to find her." I assured him.

He looked at me for a long time as if he were hoping I would change my mind.

"I promise." He finally said before turning and leaving me alone with Ezekiel.

Ezekiel wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. I laid my head on his chest.

"You know. Alex is right." I heard Ezekiel say. His chest rumbled as he spoke.

I looked up but didn't say anything.

"Maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore." He clarified.

I frowned. "Are you out of your mind? Of course we should. If you don't think we should be together, then why did you come back?"

He sighed. "It seemed like a good idea until you said that you would give up the throne for me. I can't let you do that. I'm not worth it."

My face softened and I lifted my hand to caress his cheek. "You are definitely worth it and don't you dare think you're not. I'm not going to say I'm glad you shot my ex boyfriend, but I'll never regret meeting you."

His eyes glistened with tears. "I'm really sorry..."

"He's alive now. It's okay."

Ezekiel shook his head. "That doesn't change anything. I still committed murder. It's a horrible feeling." he looked anywhere but at me.

I turned his chin so he was looking at me again. "You were a puppet then. Those days are over. Please just forget about it."

He looked doubtful.

"For me?" I asked.

He gave me a small smile and nodded, then he crashed his lips with mine.

When I snuck back into the palace two hours later, Alex was waiting for me in my bedroom.

He was sprawled on my bed fast asleep.

I carefully pulled the blanket from underneath him and covered his body, then I slipped under the covers.

Alex and I always slept together but now things were different. I didn't want to give him the wrong idea so I stayed on my side of the bed.

The next morning when I woke up, Alex was staring at me.

I calmly stared back not breaking the silence.

"How was your night?" He finally asked.

I shrugged as best as I could horizontally. "Uneventful."

He snorted and rolled onto his back.

"So you really love him huh?" Alex asked me.


"How?" He asked. "After...everything?"

It was a good question. I often wondered the same thing.

"You don't know why he did it." I said.

"I sure don't." Alex agreed. "He should be in jail though."

I turned to him anxiously.

"You said you wouldn't tell." I reminded him.

"And I won't." He agreed before standing up. "You know I'll do anything to keep you happy."

"Best friends forever?"

"Till my heart stops beating."

We grinned at each other goofily, all other problems aside. It was just me and my best friend again.

"You'll come wi-"

A loud crash interrupted what I was gonna say next.

Alex and I raced down the halls to the throne room.

The large doors that were usually closed and guarded were wide open.

I gave Alex a frightened look before running inside.

Standing by the throne was somebody I never thought would betray me.

He was holding my mother with a dagger at her throat.

When he jerked his head, a bunch of soldiers surrounded us looking menacing.

My mother grimaced as the dagger cut into her skin and a tear of blood escaped.

"How could you?!" I cried out in rage.

"Bring her to me." He ordered.

"You're disgusting." I spat, trying to resist the soldiers.

He laughed.

And then, he slit my mothers neck.

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