Without the grace

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The throne room had been utterly transformed. It truly was an ocean. Special effects played on the walls making it seem as if water was reflecting around the room.

There was a light layer of sand on the floor. Seashells hung from the ceilings, intricately put together to resemble chandeliers.

This was all I could take in before my eyes landed on Elliot.

He was breathtaking. It made my heart clench to see him standing there waiting. Waiting for me of all people.

But this was wrong. It was so wrong. Being a prince all his life, he was prepared for the whole now-you're-going-to-find-yourself-a-mate-who-you-will-marry-in-a-week-though-you-hardly-know-how-to-spell-their-name thing.

I, on the other hand, needed to get to know a person before I could even agree to date them.

I felt so lost and conflicted but I was still able to force a smile on my face.

Three feet away from the altar someone stopped me.

The crowd assembled inside gasped.

Ezekiel was clutching at my arm. "Please." Was all he said.

"What's wrong Ezekiel?" I asked.

"Leave her-"

I held up my hand to hush whoever spoke.

"Ivorys not pregnant." He finally said.

My entire body froze.

I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. All I knew was that Ezekiel just said what I had been hoping for days.

When he realized I wasn't going to speak, he continued. "I saw her putting on a fake baby bump yesterday. She lied so that I would stay with her."

I finally came to my senses. "Why are you telling me this? I'm about to get married."

He frowned. "Are you really? Are you really about to marry this man you hardly know? You're going to spend the rest of your life with him. All of it."

Ezekiel's words brought me back to reality. Sure Elliot was great, but I didn't love him.

"Aaliyah, you of all people should know when you love someone and when you don't. You love me and I committed murder." He continued.

"Now. I didn't write out a speech so I'm not going to take everyone's time. I just have one question. Can I kiss you yet or are you going to make me wait all day?"

"I have one question first." I finally said.

He raised an eyebrow.

"What did you tell Ivory when you caught her?" I asked.

His confidence finally fell as he blushed.

"I-I...well I told her off. And then I told her that-that I had a wedding to...crash." He confessed.

I did the last thing anyone expected. I laughed.

I bent over and laughed so hard tears sprung from my eyes. And then everyone else was laughing with me.

In the midst of it all I looked to Elliot.

I gave him a small smile as I approached him.

Surprisingly he smiled at me.

"I understand." He said before I could speak. He took my hand and kissed it. "Next time I try to marry a girl, I promise I'll be in love with her." He told me.

I grinned at him and leave on my tip toes kissing his cheek.

He patted my hand then pulled me down from the altar to where Ezekiel was standing.

Ezekiel didn't waste a moment. He pulled me into his arms and gave me the most passionate kiss I'd ever received.


"You know what the best day of my life was?" Ezekiel asked me as we danced later.

I frowned at him. "Why did you say was?" I questioned. "Isn't today the best day of your life?"

He laughed throwing his head back. I flicked his Adam's apple and his head came back down quickly. He glared at me.

I smirked. "Well?"

"The best day of my life was when I found out Ivory wasn't really pregnant." he informed me.

I rested my head on his chest.

"Why did you ignore me at the party?" I whispered.

He pushed back a little to look at me. "Why were you at the party?" He asked.

I blushed. "I was feeling lonely, so I started to sneak out at night."

He smiled.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "I didn't forget my question." I said.

He smirked, then sighed. "Well, I knew that with Ivory pregnant we couldn't be together. So, I didn't want to make it harder for you. Or me anyways." He confessed.

I laid my head back down.

"I'm so sorry about Ivory." he apologized.

I smiled up at him. "It's all over now." I leaned up and kissed him. "I never stopped loving you anyways."

He frowned. "I wish I could say the same for you." He teased. I punched his arm.

"May I cut in?" A deep voice asked. It was Elliot.

"Of course." Ezekiel said handing me over. I was surprised that he was so civil to the man that I had been two minutes away from marrying.

After we danced for a while Elliot began smiling at me as if he were crazy.

"What?" I asked giving him a confused look.

"I have something for you." He informed me. He took my hand and lead me to a make shift stage in the corner.

"Ladies and gentleman!" He grabbed the attention of those on the dance floor.

"I have a very special gift for Princess Aaliyah." He announced. He waved his hand at someone I couldn't see.

Ezekiel caught my eye and I shrugged.

Then I saw it. A tall man walked towards us with a small cage. Inside the cage was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

I threw my arms around Elliot's neck. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I shouted in his ear. Then I jumped down and met the man halfway

He smiled and handed me the cage. I peered inside and practically cried when I saw Wasabi looking at me.

Alex appeared next to me. "That's cute. A panda for my Panda. Why didn't I think of that?" He said chuckling.

I pulled Alex into a hug. "You're staying right?"

He smiled at me. "As long as you want me to."

Ezekiel appeared at my other side and kissed my cheek.

"A great addition to our family." He said.

I didn't know if he was talking about Alex or Wasabi but I didn't care. As I looked around at all the smiling faces my father, mother, Elliot, I couldn't help but finally feel at home.

I had done it, even without the grace.

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