Youre not pregnant are you?

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I didn't try to get out of going to the party, I wanted to go. I needed to see Ezekiel. Even just from afar, our week apart had me question whether or not if what we had...had even existed.

He seemed so far away. I needed to know that he was real, even if it were for the last time.

We drove to Kaelas house because she insisted that I change into something more presentable.

Kaela lived quite a while away. The ride gave me more insight of the island. There were even more huge mountains in this part of the island.

A lot more vast fields and farms. For some odd reason the animals here seemed so much larger than the ones back in the states. I saw a few that I didn't even recognize.

The homes and barns were also much different. Instead of the signature six sides to the barn, they were more circular.

The homes as well, were different, more abstract yet plain. One house was in the shape of a triangle. I wondered how anything even got done in there.

"We're different on this side of the island." Kaela said as if reading my mind.

I nodded. "I can tell."

Kaela was tall and filled to the brim with courage and attitude. She was extremely nosy but referred to herself as curious.

She had extremely long platinum blonde hair which made her look like a top model when she was the total opposite of.

Sean was also pretty good looking. He had jet black hair to match his black clothing. He wore cuff links and chains which typically would label him as gothic but here, they called it some long word I couldn't remember.

"So, do you know Ivory or something?" She asked me. "When I mentioned her you got all tense like. As if you'd seen a ghost."

I sighed and turned to look out the window. "It's nothing."

"More like, you guys were friends, or like she didn't return your favorite stilettos?"

I glared at her. "More like please mind your own business."

She laughed.

"You know that's not her thing." Sean piped up from the back.

"I know." I said smiling.

Kaela pulled into a long driveway. Her home was bright blue and constructed in the shape of an oval.

"Your house is really cute." I complemented.

She snorted. "Don't kiss up to me, I'll let you keep the dress."

I laughed and followed her inside.

"I'll be at your sisters house." Sean said walking in the direction of the house next door.

"Gross." Kaela called out.

"Did I mention that Sean's my brother in law?" She asked looking at me.

I shook my head.

"My sister works all day then goes home and sleeps so Sean usually hangs with me."

I gave her a strange look. "And she trusts you guys?"

Kaela shrugged. "Honestly, He's not my type. Plus, I'm seeing someone." She informed me giving me a sideways look.

"Is he going to be at this party?" I gave her a smirk.

"Well actually, we won't be at the party very long." She said.

My smirk transformed into a grimace. "Good to know."

The dress Kaela gave me could have passed for a shirt. Even on an exotic island, there was no modesty.

I shook my head and wriggled into the black material.

Kaela's dress was looser than mine and a shiny silver. "So that it'll be easier to take off." She said giving me the much unwanted information.

She shrugged and passed me a set of stilettos.

Five minutes late we were in front of Kaelas sisters house waiting for Sean.

As he came out, he straightened his pants and once again, I grimaced.

Behind Sean appeared a beautiful woman. She looked just like her sister except she had shoulder length blonde hair and wore a lot less make up.

"Hi," she said. "I'm Serena."

I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you Serena." I said smiling.

"Well, are we going or what?" Sean asked heading to the car.


The party was being held in a Hall in the city. I was extremely nervous. Not due to the fact that I was attending the party of a hot blonde witch who stole my fiancée but because I was afraid Ezekiel wouldn't want to talk to me.

I knew there was no way we could be together but I still wanted to talk to him at least one more time.

The party looked more organized than any I'd ever gone to back at home. There was actually space to move around and it didn't smell like alcohol and smoke though there was alcohol being passed around on silver platters.

The Hall was just a large room with a shiny bar in one corner and long white couches along the walls.

I immediately saw Ivory. She was sitting on one of the couches looking resentfully at the dancers.

When she caught sight of me at the door she smirked and stood, approaching us.

She was wearing a flowing white blouse over a mini skirt with stilettos. Even pregnant, she looked good.

"Well, hello there, umm...what was your name again? Skank was it?" She asked feigning hospitality.

"No." I replied sweetly. "I think you bumped your head because you're getting our names mixed up."

Ivory snorted and looked at Kaela. "What did you do to the princess?There's no way that's her dress." She sneered.

Kaela gave Ivory a confused look. "What princess?"

Ivorys eyes widened. "She didn't tell you." She said looking highly entertained.

I sighed and turned to Kaela. "Look, I'm the princess but, I didn't tell you because I'm not supposed to be out of the castle. I'm really sorry."

Kaela was frozen staring at me.

Sean was the one to break the silence. "That is so cool! You're princess Aaliyah?!" He exclaimed. "You took down Hans! And you were kidnapped by Eze-" He cut off and turned to stare at Ivory.

"You're not really pregnant are you?" He accused.

Ivory lifted her hand to her throat in shock. "Of course I am. How rude of you."

"You didn't claim to be pregnant until Ezekiel came back. I heard that Ezekiel was engaged to the princess, but now he's with you. Did you lie to him?"

Ivory scoffed. "I don't need this." She lifted her blouse to reveal her round protruding stomach.

Sean's eyes widened. "Are you happy now?" She said letting her shirt fall back down.

"I'm sorry. I-"

"Doesn't mater. Get out." Ivory interrupted.


"You. And your wife. Out." She clarified pointing at the door. "Don't make me call security." She warned.

Sean groaned and took Serenas hand and left.

That's when I looked up and met Ezekiel's gaze.

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