"My future daughter in law."

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Back in the cell I told my mother about what Hans announced.

He would use our marriage to get acquainted with the nearby islands which I was sure he would eventually take over as well.

When he'd told me I'd sat for a minute in astonishment. I couldn't believe my ears. Me? Marry Ezekiel? My boyfriends killer?

Ezekiel of course, was a great help and said nothing the whole time.

After that I'd been escorted back here. I would be collected in the morning to be, as Hans put it, 'plucked and gleamed to perfection' for the engagement ceremony.

It sounded painful but I was hopeful to get out again. Even for that.

"Why can't you leave your cell?" I asked my mother suddenly remembering what Hans had said.

She sighed. "I have a few...things...that I...specialize in." She said finally finding the words.

"Like what? I need answers. I'm tired of being in the dark."

"Magic. From the island."

My eyes widened. "Magic? Like bibbity bobbity boo? Or Abracadabra?"

She gave me an exasperated look. "It's very strong and only for emergencies." She explained.

It was my turn to be exasperated. "You mean like the island being taken over by an evil dictator?!"

She grabbed my shoulders.

"Or like keeping me here where you could protect me from whatever you were hiding me from?! How do you define an emergency?!" I exclaimed.

"I don't define it. The island does an-"

"The island?! Oh that's just splendid! And I guess you have to ask the island for the magic also?"

She nodded. "Yes. I do. Which is why he won't let me out. Down here, I'm too far under."

"How did he even know that?!" I shouted.

"I don't know. Hans is smart." She said shrugging.

"How does he know I don't have this power too?" I asked her.

"The island has to gain your trust." She said.

I collapsed onto the ground.

"I'm getting married." I said with realization. "To my boyfriends killer."

"It gets better." She whispered. "When I lost your father, I thought I'd never breathe again. I didn't think I'd even be able to function enough to run the island. I...I was close to giving it up. But I stood strong. Because of your father. He always told me not to give up."

I thought back to Kenneth's last words. "I guess you're right." I concluded.

"But that doesn't mean you have to forget about them, or love that boy."

I laid my head against the wall in confusion thinking about our almost kiss.

"You don't like him do you?" she said. Then she smiled.

"No way!" she exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "I do not like him." I stated. She gave me a knowing smile but left me alone.

That night I hardly slept and it was even worse because I didn't know when night would finally break into day.

I wondered why Ezekiel chose to go along with what his father wanted. It bewildered me. After he'd said he was done with pleasing his father.

I couldn't believe that I'd fell for his lies. But it was all over now. I was being forced to marry him.

I sat mostly staring at the wall and daydreaming about Kenneth. And sometimes Ezekiel. I also missed Alex and Raul, my father.

It depressed me that I would never see them again. I hadn't even been able to say goodbye.

I wondered what Alex had done when I told him to run. I was just glad he got away. I also wondered if Cal had went for help. I hadn't even seen him go downstairs.

Some time later, Wayne came for me and I said goodbye to my mother.

This time we took a different way and Wayne dropped me off in front of a large green door leaving me standing there.

"Wow. Thanks." I muttered to his retreating back.

I knocked on the door and it immediately swung open.

"Geez! Ive been waiting for you all morning!" a high pitched voice squealed.

The woman had long flowing blonde hair and bright green eyes. Though she was much more eccentric I recognized her resemblance to my mother immediately.

"I'm your Aunt Llydia. You look just like your mother." She gushed kissing my cheek. "Now come on."

I gave her a confused look. "How can you be up here working for Hans when your sister is being held prisoner?" I asked her astonished.

She gave me a hard look. "I've known my sister much longer than you have and she is much stronger than she looks and it would be very wise if you didn't worry about things you don't understand." She advised.

I immediately didn't like her. I grudgingly followed her into her chambers and allowed her to "pluck and gleam me." We exchanged no more words. And her earlier excitement was long gone.

I felt my hair get lighter as she cut and dyed it. She moisturized my skin and fitted me into a dress.

It was a light tan with large pink flowers. The v-neck was low and made me feel exposed but I doubted I had any say in anything.

When I looked into the mirror I barely recognized myself. The red hair made me look older, "Beautiful." Llydia said, as if reading my mind.

"Thanks." I muttered. She shrugged.

"To the balcony with you." She said obviously dismissing me.

I looked at her confused. "But-"l

She pointed to the door without a word.

I sighed and reluctantly left the room. I had made yet another enemy.

The hallway was busy with the steady flow of maidservants scurrying to and fro to prepare for the ceremony.

I wasn't sure why there was an engagement ceremony and a wedding ceremony but there wasn't much I could do about it.

I stopped one of the maids to direct me to the balcony. Once I got directions I turned to go the opposite way I had been going and hoped that I would remember the directions.

Luckily, the sound of loud chatter an laughter lead me to where two large double doors lead to a high balcony overlooking a very large crowd.

When I stepped onto the balcony, they erupted into cheers. Hans appeared out of nowhere and wasted no time beginning the ceremony.

"Welcome, my future daughter in law, Aaliyah of Solveige!" he shouted.

The crowd was going absolutely crazy.

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