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"Do they always treat you like that?"

"Can you leave me alone." Wooyoung told San walking away. Wooyoung didn't want to be around anyone right now, so San trying to get him to talk to him was making him really aggravative.

"I was just asking you a question. I thought you where exaggerating the whole thing with your friends." San said walking beside Wooyoung.

"Can you just fuck off." Wooyoung said speeding up his pace. San was shocked he had never heard Wooyoung cuss ever.

"Like actually leave me alone or else I'll punch you. I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now." Wooyoung said still walking incredibly fast.

"You wouldn't punch me." San said trying to keep up with Wooyoung.

"I would and I will." Wooyoung said stopping. He was out of breath and looked like he was about to pass out.

"Are you ok?" Was all San asked.

"No! I'm having a panic attack mixed with an asthma attack." Wooyoung said sitting down on the sidewalk.

"How can I help?" San asked looking around.

"Get my inhaler out of my backpack." Wooyoung said now laying down on the side walk.

San looked through his backpack and for a hot minute before he could find it but he ended up finding it.

"Thank you." Wooyoung said still out of breath.

"Your welcome. Now answer my question." Sand said sitting down next to Wooyoung, but Wooyoung got up and started walking away.

"Yes they do. I don't know why but all of them either act like I don't exist or shit on me for crying, but I can't control my crying." Wooyoung said feeling the tears start to form in his eyes.

"Oh. Well why can't you control your crying?" San asked.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Wooyoung said in a mocking tone.

"Because I feel bad about how I treated you. I'm trying to make it right" San said looking Wooyoung in his eyes.

"It's because of my anxiety." Wooyoung said playing with his fingers.

"Your what?" San said confused.

"My anxiety." Wooyoung said. He hated talking to people about this topic because it made him feel weak, but he knew he has to talk about it sometimes.

"I've had it all my life, so most of my crying wasn't just crying, but it was panic attacks. And in 5th grade I got diagnosed with anxiety and I've been taking pills to help ever since, but the pills arnt really working right now. That's why I haven't been able to control my emotions that well." Wooyoung said walking up to a porch.

"Oh, I'm sorry I had no idea." San said looking at the house infront of him.

"Nobody knew." Wooyoung said going to grab the door handle.

"Anyways see you later." Wooyoung said opening the door, but before he could open it his mom did.

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