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"There's a group chat?"

Wooyoung was shocked.

They have a group chat without me.

He didn't even care that the bell hadn't rung yet he left the classroom. Of course to go to the library. Tears started to form in his eyes as he tried his hardest not to cry.

As he was walking he heard the bell ring so he decided to do what was best and go into the bathroom and hide until the halls were clear.

When he walked into the bathroom however he ran into someone.

"Im sorry." Wooyoung said not even bothering to look up at the person he ran into.

"Wooyoung are you ok?" San said

Wooyoung looked up at him and shook his head bursting into tears. San pulled Wooyoung in for a hug.

San hated seeing Wooyoung cry, so he did the first thing that came to mind. Hug him.

"What's wrong?" San said still hugging Wooyoung.

"My friends have a group chat with out me." Wooyoung said in between sobs.

"Oh." Was all San said.

San could tell that Wooyoungs friends excluded him but he didn't know it was this bad.

After talking about the situation for a little bit San and Wooyoung decided to go to class.

When they went to leave the bathroom however the door opened before they could open it.

"I just feel bad." One of the people said. Turning the corner making eye contact with Wooyoung.

"Oh my god Wooyoung." Yunho said pulling him into a hug.

Wooyoung hated it. Wooyoung hated when other people touched him, but with San it was different. He didn't mind when San hugged him.

"I'm so so so sorry. I thought you were in the group chat, and that you were just choosing not to respond." Yunho said squeezing Wooyoung.

"Yunho please let go of me. Also if that's true why did Seonghwa get all nervous when Hongjoong said something about it?" Wooyoung said backing away from Yunho accidentally running into San.

San put his hands on Wooyoungs waits to make him stop moving, and that little touch made Wooyoungs stomach explode.

"I honestly don't know. We were all in the same room when we made the group chat, so maybe you just forgot to say yes to being in it." Yunho said.

"I guess." Wooyoung said walking out of the bathroom.

"You guys should really try and include him more." San said to Yunho.

"I try my hardest to, it's everyone else who is mean to him. Besides didn't you bully him or something?" Yunho said obviously pissed.

"Yunho." Mingi said trying to calm Yunho down.

"No your right, but we made up. Plus Wooyoung is comfortable with telling me his problems with his friends being dicks to him." San said walking to the bathroom door.

"We'll at least we never bullied him." Yunho said.

San whipped his head around and walked right up to Yunho.

"Guys clam down." Mingi said trying not to let a fight start.

"You guys excluding and ignoring Wooyoung is just as bad as me bullying Wooyoung. Your still giving the poor boy trauma." San said.

"Fuck off." Yunho said pushing San. Causing San to push Yunho back. Causing what Mingi didn't want to happen.

A fight.

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