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The only two people left that didn't have a bed was Wooyoung and San.

They both looked at eachother.

"I don't care." Wooyoung said shrugging, but in all honesty he was freaking out and his stomach low key kind of hurt. It wasn't like a feeling sick kind of hurt though.

Ever sence he was in 5th grade he called it anxiety butterflies because it felt like butterflies but it was like the butterflies had swords as wings and as the butterflies flew around in his stomach they cut him.

"I don't care eather." San said.

Everyone got ready for bed, Yunho and Mingi cuddling happily on the big bed, Hongjoong and seonghwa on the top bunks, Yeosang and Jungho on the bottom bunk, and San and Wooyoung laying back to back on the table bed.

Wooyoung was one of the last people to wake up the next day. He heard a bunch of talking but he couldn't move for some reason.

"Good morning." San said. Wooyoung turned around to see that his legs and Sans legs where all tangled together and that San had his arms rapped around his waist.

Wooyoungs stomach had that jittery feeling in it again except this time it was 10 times more aggressive.

In a panic Wooyoung untangled himself from San and sat up.

"Good morning." He said rubbing his eyes as if nothing happened.

"WOOYOUNG YOUR AWAKE!!" He heard Yunho scream.

Wooyoung sat there in that one spot for quite a few seconds before asking what breakfast was.

"It's outside you two are the only ones who haven't eaten yet." Yunho said excitedly

"Who's cooking it?" Wooyoung said still trying to wake up and process his morning.

"Seonghwa. Now come on." Yunho said going outside.

Wooyoung shot up like a bullet and was quick to follow Yunho.

After eating breakfast Wooyoung went back into the camper to his bag to get his medication, but couldn't find it. He rummaged though all of the pockets of his bag but couldn't find it anywhere.

Oh no. This can't be happening.

Wooyoung wouldn't really say he needed his medicine to survive, but if he didn't have it his anxiety would be through the roof, and 1000 times more worse than it already is.

After looking for about 2 minutes rummaging thought every pocket aggressively he heard the camper door shut.

"You look crazy trying to find whatever it is your trying to find." San said laughing, but his laughing quickly stopped when he noticed the tears in Wooyoungs eyes.

"Are you ok?" San asked sitting next to Wooyoung.

"I can't find my anxiety medication." Wooyoung said as a tear rolled down his face.

"I'm sure you'll be ok." San said with a reassuring smile.

"No because my anxiety will be so much more worse than it already is." Wooyoung said starting to breathe heavy.

"Hey it will be ok. Besides today is our last day tomorrow we go home." San said pulling Wooyoung into a hug making Wooyoungs stomach all jittery again.

Wooyoung loved Sans hugs. They made him feel warm and safe and like life was worth something.

"I know but-" Wooyoung was interrupted by San.

"No buts, you don't even have to talk to anyone you can hang out with me the rest of the day." San said.

For once Wooyoung wasn't angry that he was interrupted.

"Ok thank you." Wooyoung said hugging San tighter.

The moment was over quickly however because the camper door opened.

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